ocpp-rpc copied to clipboard
Error While Disconnecting from Webscoket Client
When trying to disconnect from websocket using postman or insomnia, always returning error like this
It looks like you're not handling a certain condition.
Can you provide a small sample of code which I can use to replicate the issue?
Hello, here my code example, currently im integrating it with express js to create command initiated by central system -> charging station
Hi @mardommah ,
Can you please copy + paste the code so that I can try running it? I'd rather not have to re-type it.
okay here's the code
`const express = require('express'); const serverRouter = require('./api') const rpcServer = require("./rpc")
const app = express(); app.use(serverRouter) const httpServer = app.listen(3002, 'localhost', () => { console.log("server running on 3002") });
httpServer.on('upgrade', rpcServer.handleUpgrade);
` const { RPCServer } = require('ocpp-rpc');
const rpcServer = new RPCServer({ protocols: ['ocpp1.6'], strictMode: false });
rpcServer.on('client', client => {
// RPC client connected
client.call('Say', Hello, ${client.identity}!
// create a specific handler for handling Heartbeat requests
client.handle('Heartbeat', ({ params }) => {
console.log(`Server got Heartbeat from ${client.identity}:`, params);
// respond with the server's current time.
return {
currentTime: new Date().toISOString()
client.once('close', () => {
// check that we're about to delete the correct client
return "client disconnected"
module.exports = rpcServer `
`const express = require('express'); const rpcServer = require("./rpc")
const serverRouter = express.Router();
// when clients connect (after auth), store them in a Map based on their identity const clients = new Map();
rpcServer.on('client', client => { clients.set(client.identity, client);
// when clients disconnect, remove them from our Map
client.once('close', () => {
// check that we're about to delete the correct client
if (clients.get(client.identity) === client) {
serverRouter.post('/reset/:cp', async (req, res, next) => {
const cp = req.params.cp;
const client = clients.get(cp);
const result = await client.call('Reset', { type: 'Hard' });
Status: "Success"
module.exports = serverRouter`
Hi @mardommah ,
I wasn't able to reproduce this issue with the code you've provided. I have attempted to connect a simple client to localhost:3002 but it does not trigger the error.
Can you give me more details of how to reproduce the error you've reported, using this code?