loggly copied to clipboard
Meteor client implementation for Loggly cloud Logging-as-a-Service API.
Loggly for Meteor
A Meteor logger for Loggly on the server/client side.
Client side support implemented by Michael Ghobrial
Module wraps loggly npm module and adds a few useful helpers, like log.error/log.trace/log.info/log.warn.
Loggly.{warn, error, info, trace} will produce error message with appropriate tag (warn, error, info or trace).
meteor add miktam:loggly
Once you have added the package, you will need to extend the Meteor.settings object with the following (e.g. in settings.json in your project root directory):
"public": {},
"private": {},
"loggly": {
"token": "your-really-long-input-token",
"subdomain": "your-subdomain",
"auth": {
"username": "your-username",
"password": "your-password"
"tags": ["global-tag"],
"json": "true"
Usage (client/server side)
Logger.log("first log from meteor", ["custom_tag"]);
Logger.info("it will store this message with info tag");
Logger.trace({data: myJSONData});
Logger.error({message: "my fancy object", fancy: true});
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016, Andrei Karpushonak aka @miktam