geo-piecering copied to clipboard
Creates a ring cut into piece in 3d space.
Creates a ring cut into piece in 3d space.
An example can be found at ./test/index.js
. You can run this test by calling:
$ npm test
A simple usage example with default values being passed as settings:
var geoPieceRing = require('geo-piecering');
// geo will be a Object will two properties:
// positions - the vertices
// cells - the indices to draw the piece ring
var geo = geoPieceRing( {
cellSize: 3, // 1 == points, 2 == lines, 3 == triangles
x: 0, // x position of the center of the piece ring
y: 0, // y position of the center of the piece ring
z: 0 // z position of the center of the piece ring
radius: 200, // the radius of the piece ring
pieceSize: Math.PI * 0.15, // size of the pieces
startRadian: 0, // radian to start drawing pieces from
numPieces: 8, // how many pieces to place
quadsPerPiece: 5, // how many times the piece is split
height: 10, // the height of the ring
drawOutline: true // if cellSize == 2 draw only the outside of the shape
MIT, see for details.