Currently, we have one GitHub action for Linux (build_linux.yml) and one for Windows (build_windows.yml). These actions take too long and we have already hit the 6-hours limit (see commented out...
The following schema shows an example of access to the choice field (see it in [streamlit](https://zserio.streamlit.app?share_id=29487e6ccfed11eeb7bdc24a8ebd3156)): ``` package sample; choice Choice(uint8 selector) on selector { case 0: uint32 value; default:...
Consider the following schema: ``` package sample; struct Compound(Param param) { uint32 field : field > param.min; }; struct Other { Param(10) param1; optional Param(11) param2; }; struct Param(uint32 param)...
Currently, generated C++ objects do support `operator==`. Consider to support `std::equal_to` interfaces to allow direct usage of generated Zserio objects for STL. Please note, that this is not requiered by...
Currently, the generated C++ read constructor reads all fields in constructor initializers using dedicated private read methods. This solution strongly relies on Return Value Optimization and leads to many move...
Currently, generated C++ objects do support `hashCode()` function. Consider to support `std::hash` interface to allow direct usage of generated Zserio objects for `std::unordered_map` and `std::unordered_set`.
Currently, the optional members are handled in C++ by the following getters and setters: ``` uint16_t Employee::getBonus() const { return m_bonus_.value(); } void Employee::setBonus(uint16_t bonus_) { m_bonus_ = bonus_; }...
Currently, reading of partial JSON representation is supported without any notice. This feature is useful for debugging purposes if one can change value of only one field if required. However,...
Add an 'less than operator' in every generated Python Zserio object similarly to C++. For more info, please see #288.
Add an 'less than operator' in every generated Java Zserio object similarly to C++. For more info, please see #288.