
Results 47 comments of mikeversteeg

Not sure if I am using the right version (as you do not increment the build number and timestamps are meaningless) or your code just doesn't run efficiently on my...

Alternatively a new `SimdYuva420pToBgraV2 `would work for me as well, I would then skip the 444 intermediate step. Either makes me happy :).

Super, thanks!

I'm trying to compile but get ``` Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "void __cdecl Simd::Sse41::AbsDifference(unsigned char const *,unsigned __int64,unsigned char const *,unsigned __int64,unsigned char *,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64,unsigned __int64)" (?AbsDifference@Sse41@Simd@@YAXPEBE_K01PEAE111@Z) referenced...

Compiles fine now. Will let you know how it performs.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't seem to use `SimdAlphaBlending` between to 420 bitmaps because the alpha plane is bigger than the U and V planes, right? As...

No, not really in practice fortunately. Alpha blending 2 YUV420 images, which requires 3* `SimdAlphaBlending `and 1* `SimdReduceColor2x2 `, is very slow though for high resolution bitmaps. Much slower than...

I assume you already avoid blending of pixels that have alpha 0 and 255? This significantly speeds up blending of bitmaps that are largely transparent and only have e.g. a...

How about multi-layered blending, i.e. one pass to blend multiple images, to save on write cycles?