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Full-stack DevOps demo
Full-stack DevOps demo
The purpose of this is to demonstrate some great automation tools in orchestra.
Things used
(in alphabetic order)
- Apache2 (with mod_wsgi)
- bluepill
- Bottle.py
- Chef (chef-client, ohai, knife)
- Datadog
- EC2 (Amazon Linux AMI)
- HAProxy
- MongoDB (server, ruby & python drivers)
- Python
- Ruby
- Siege
- Spiceweasel
Some of the more exotic pieces
- bluepill is a process manager, similar to SysV init, Upstart, supervisord, runit, etc.
- Bottle.py is a web micro-framework written in python.
- Siege creates web requests based on an input file for load testing.
- Spiceweasel generates Chef's knife commands from a config file
A picture
Thanks to diagrammr.
The Bottle.py application is a simplistic word counter, acts like a REST interface, where /insert/<someword>
will add the word to the database and increment its counter.
The /get/<someword>
will retrieve the word, the unique object ID, and the count of times this word was hit.
A call to /toplist
will bring back the top 10 words that have been hit.
All cookbooks used are released on the Chef Community site.
The only cookbooks here are a personalized mongodb
cookbook, due to a currently faulty community cookbook, and the fullstack
cookbook, that performs the customized functions this stack needs.
Prep work
Some EC2 security group work:
ec2-create-group fullstack -d "Full Stack Demo"
# Allow pings
ec2-authorize fullstack --protocol icmp --icmp-type-code=-1:-1 --source-or-dest-group fullstack
# Could be shorter: ec2-authorize fullstack -P icmp -t=-1:-1 -o fullstack
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 0-65535 -o fullstack
ec2-authorize fullstack -P udp -p 0-65535 -o fullstack
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 22 # SSH
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 80 # HTTP
# Optional, don't use in a production environment unless needed
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 22002 # HAProxy Stats
ec2-authorize fullstack -P tcp -p 8080 # Webapp node
A chef server (open source or hosted) must exist, and knife.rb
must be set up correctly with AWS credentials.
My personal one is excluded from the repo.
I recommend using a dedicated server/organization since the cleanup actions are destructive.
current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
node_name "<my username>"
client_key "#{current_dir}/<my username>.pem"
validation_client_name "<organization-name>-validator"
validation_key "#{current_dir}/<organization-name>-validator.pem"
chef_server_url "https://api.opscode.com/organizations/<organization-name>"
cache_type 'BasicFile'
cache_options( :path => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/checksums" )
cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/../site-cookbooks"]
# AWS credentials
knife[:ssh_user] = "ec2-user"
knife[:ssh_identity_file] = "#{current_dir}/../.aws/<key pair cert>.pem"
knife[:aws_access_key_id] = "<some key id>"
knife[:aws_secret_access_key] = "<some secret string>"
### END ###
A Users Databag item must be placed in data_bags/users/<username>.json
. An example is:
"id": "bofh",
"ssh_keys": "ssh-rsa AAAAB3Nz...yhCw== bofh",
"groups": "sysadmin",
"uid": 2001,
"shell": "\/bin\/bash",
"comment": "BOFH",
See the users cookbook for more help.
A Credentials databag item for Datadog monitoring is also excluded from the repo, since it contains API keys.
Construct your own at data_bags/credentials/datadog.json
"id": "datadog",
"api_key": "YOURAPIKEY",
"application_key": "APPLICATIONKEYFORCHEF"
You can obtain your API key and Application Key from the Integrations => API page, or from the Agent Setup => Chef page, you will find a "Generate Application Key" button.
spiceweasel fullspice.yml | bash
Some cool tricks
Get the top list of words:
open http://`knife search node 'role:load_balancer' -a ec2.public_hostname |grep ec2.public_hostname | cut -f4 -d" "`/toplist
HAProxy web console:
open http://`knife search node 'role:load_balancer' -a ec2.public_hostname |grep ec2.public_hostname | cut -f4 -d" "`:22002/
Find the mongodb replset primary:
knife search node "fqdn:`knife ssh 'role:mongodb-replset-member' -a ec2.public_hostname 'curl http://localhost:28017/replSetGetStatus?text=1' | grep -B4 PRIMARY | grep name | awk '{print $4}' |cut -f1 -d":" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//' | uniq`" -i
NOTE: This is probably overly complicated, but awesome. Probably better to have chef-client update the node record with the current state.
Kill the primary:
knife ec2 server delete --purge -y <instance-id from previous command>
# or:
knife ec2 server delete --purge -y `knife search node "fqdn:`knife ssh 'role:mongodb-replset-member' -a ec2.public_hostname 'curl http://localhost:28017/replSetGetStatus?text=1' | grep -B4 PRIMARY | grep name | awk '{print $4}' |cut -f1 -d":" | sed 's/^.\{1\}//' | uniq`" -a ec2.instance_id | grep instance_id | cut -f2 -d":"`
Launch a new mongodb replica:
spiceweasel fullspice.yml | grep --color=none rolemongodb-replset-member | uniq | bash
Add a webserver:
spiceweasel fullspice.yml | grep --color=none rolewebserver | uniq | bash
Show counts of servers:
knife status -r | awk '{print $9}' | sort | uniq -c
Do something on all nodes:
knife ssh '*:*' -a ec2.public_hostname 'hostname -f'
Spiceweasel, in reverse:
spiceweasel -d fullspice.yml | bash
knife client bulk delete i-.*
That's all, folks!
- Mike Fiedler
- Daniel Crosta - huge help getting this going