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Not supported SMB2 Dialect
Got this error message, when i tried to connect to smb2 server with pysmb==1.1.22:
smb.smb_structs.ProtocolError: Server does not support any of the pysmb dialects. Please email pysmb to add in support for your OS ==================== SMB Message ==================== Command: 0x72 (SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE) Status: NTSTATUS=0x00000000 Flags: 0x88 Flags2: 0xC003 PID: 10176 UID: 0 MID: 1 TID: 0 Security: 0x0000000000000000 Parameters: 2 bytes b'ffff' Data: 0 bytes b'' ==================== SMB Data Packet (hex) ==================== b'ff534d4272000000008803c00000000000000000000000000000c0270000010001ffff0000'
@elmosan : What is the OS of the remote SMB server that you are connecting to?
Sorry forgot to mention, it's a synology dsm 6.1 server with samba
Weird. pysmb does have support for Samba. Are you able to find out what version of the Samba is running on server, or do a TCP packet capture between your client/server?
The samba version is 4.4.13 Then samba is configured to use SMB2: min protocol=SMB2_10 Do you still need a tcp packet caputre?
@elmosan : Will be good to have the packet capture. I'm using Samba 4.4.16 on my end.
This sounds like the Samba server has a weird configuration, like SMB3 only, or pre 'NT' protocol. Can you show the smb.conf?
@divad : I think elmosan's configuration tries to limit the acceptable protocols to a SMB2 version that is only supported by Windows 7 or later. Unfortunately, pySMB does not support the later SMB2 version.
I'm trying to get pysmb to support this later SMB2 version, but isn't making much progress. Samba keeps dropping the authentication attempt by closing the TCP connection with an INVALID code :(
@divad Thanks, it's the protocol. I changed the smb.conf min protocol=SMB2_10 parameter to min protocol=SMB2 and it works now.
The smb parameters are explained here:
@miketeo Thanks for your efforts. Ok, I will work with the older SMB2 version for now and hope you can find a way.
edit: Changed because of the reply from miketeo
Okay so I found time to look into this, and I think I might have found something interesting. In MS-SMB2 the documentation suggests that the negotiation is quite different between SMB 2.0 and SMB 2.1 (SMB 2.???).
Section 4.1 describes how pysmb is written, with SMB 2 support:
- Send SMB COM NEGOTIATE, get response
- Send SMB SESSION SETUP, get response
- Send SMB TREE CONNECT, get response
However Section 4.2 describes a different approach for SMB 2.1:
- Send SMB COM NEGOTIATE, get response
- Send SMB COM NEGOTIATE /again/.
This is what pysmb does not do, it proceeds to Session Setup, Samba expects SMB NEGOTIATE again, and so it sends NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER and closes the session.
According to the docs, the flow is as follows:
- The client sends an SMB negotiate packet with the string "SMB 2.???" in the dialect string list, along with the other SMB dialects the client implements.
- The server receives the SMB negotiate request and finds the "SMB 2.???" string in the dialect string list. The server responds with an SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response with the DialectRevision set to 0x02ff.
- The client receives the SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response. The client issues a new SMB2 NEGOTIATE Request with a new dialect 0x0210 appended along with other SMB2 dialects.
- The server receives the SMB2 negotiate request and finds dialect 0x0210. The server sends an SMB2 NEGOTIATE Response with DialectRevision set to 0x0210.
Now, it could be you already know this and I'm barking up the wrong tree, in which case, sorry! If that is the case, can I see the code you've written to do the above, so I can try to figure out what other error you're seeing?
Yes, so this is the issue. What we need to do is:
- Send SMB COM NEGOTIATE, get response
- Send SMB2 NEGOTIATE, get response
I'm writing an implementation of SMB2 NEGOTIATE now, but I've never dabbled at this level before, so it may take me some time xD
I have a working implementation of SMB2 COM NEGOTIATE and I can now, with pysmb, connect to SMB servers using the 2.1 dialect.
However, now I'm getting weird errors after connecting, wireshark insists that pysmb is trying to open a file called "(" (????). Its all very confusing. I'll keep working on it!
Right, the problem is credits. With SMB 2.1 enabled (which actually is SMB2 proper, really), the client must request credits. pysmb does not, and so the server gets angry.
@divad : Many thanks for identifying the problem for SMB 2.1 in pysmb. I will have to read up the credits sections in [MS-SMB2] again. The dual NEGOTIATE requests really sound like an Easter egg in the specifications.
Yup. Would you like me to send the work I've done so far, even if incomplete? I'll create a branch and share it with you a bit later today.
I was gonna read this repo in depth:
Its a working SMB2/3 client, with credits support. Its Go, so its quite easy to follow. It has a fully implemented credits solution.
@divad : (code-sharing) Yes, please. Will be useful when I have the time to work on this.
Microsoft included a 'helpful' diagram to explain:
I launch the samba service in docker container dperson/samba
. However, when I connect the service using pysmb, Exception Server does not support any of the pysmb dialects. Please email pysmb to add in support for your OS
always is thrown.
What should I do next?
What is the version of the Samba service?
You can try editing the smb.conf file and change (or add if necessary) this parameter:
server min protocol = LANMAN1
Remember to restart the samba service after the change.
@divad did you ever get further with this?
C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\smb\ in decode(self, message)
360 elif self.dialect_index == 0xFFFF:
361 raise ProtocolError('Server does not support any of the pysmb dialects. Please email pysmb to add in support for your OS',
--> 362 message.raw_data, message)
363 else:
364 raise ProtocolError('Unknown dialect index (0x%04X)' % self.dialect_index, message.raw_data, message)
ProtocolError: Server does not support any of the pysmb dialects. Please email pysmb to add in support for your OS
==================== SMB Message ====================
Command: 0x72 (SMB_COM_NEGOTIATE)
Status: NTSTATUS=0x00000000
Flags: 0x88
Flags2: 0xC003
PID: 6672
UID: 0
MID: 1
TID: 0
Security: 0x0000000000000000
Parameters: 2 bytes
Data: 0 bytes
==================== SMB Data Packet (hex) ====================
In [134]: conn.connect('',445)
ConnectionResetError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-134-b35ca093384e> in <module>
----> 1 conn.connect('',445)
C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\smb\ in connect(self, ip, port, sock_family, timeout)
125 self.onNMBSessionOK()
126 while self.auth_result is None:
--> 127 self._pollForNetBIOSPacket(timeout)
128 finally:
129 self.is_busy = False
C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\smb\ in _pollForNetBIOSPacket(self, timeout)
611 raise ex
612 else:
--> 613 raise ex
615 type, flags, length = struct.unpack('>BBH', data)
C:\QGB\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\smb\ in _pollForNetBIOSPacket(self, timeout)
600 raise SMBTimeout
--> 602 d = self.sock.recv(read_len)
603 if len(d) == 0:
604 raise NotConnectedError
ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。