Mike Stefaniak

Results 87 comments of Mike Stefaniak

The soon to be released AL2023 EKS AMI will be gp3 by default https://github.com/awslabs/amazon-eks-ami/issues/1385

Hey @eshicks4 this first needs to implemented by ALB and NLB. As called out [here](https://github.com/aws/containers-roadmap/issues/835#issuecomment-1006804864), ALB and NLB only support IP targeting mode for IPv6. Once they support instance mode,...

That's the job of the AWS LB Controller. It watches service endpoints in the cluster and auto updates ALB/NLB target groups with the latest list of pod IP addresses.

Instance mode load balancer can potentially go through an additional instance hop before the traffic gets to the pod. This adds a higher latency as compared to the case where...

This is still dependent on ALB/NLB first adding service for instance IPv6 target groups (which is coming later this year). When that happens, we can add support in the controller.

We just launched configuration support for add-ons, so we could add a configuration option to each addon for additionalLabels. But also wanted to get feedback, would copying any tags set...

There is one workaround, before you create a new cluster, you can pre-create the log group in CW using the naming convention EKS uses ```/aws/eks//cluster```

CloudWatch observability addon is meant to be opinionated and power the [enhanced observability](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/11/amazon-cloudwatch-container-insights-enhanced-observability-eks/) experience for EKS. Customizing log group names likely breaks that dashboard and experience. If you just want...

Can you provide some more details here, don't really understand what the ask is

Still don't follow. EKS already [supports](https://aws.amazon.com/about-aws/whats-new/2023/10/amazon-eks-modification-cluster-subnets-security/) changing subnets associated with the cluster control plane. And you can always choose which subnets/AZs to run worker nodes at any time.