stylus-lemonade icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
stylus-lemonade copied to clipboard

Automatically Generate CSS Sprites from Images with Stylus

Stylus Lemonade Logo


Stylus-Lemonade is a plugin for Node.js Stylus which allows you to use functions like sprite-position(), sprite-height(), image-width(), sprite-map(), etc. within your *.styl markup to automatically fetch images and generate css sprites at render time.

If you come from the Ruby on Rails community, you will immediately recognize conventions from Spriting with Compass/SASS, originally Lemonade.


My pull request #923 is accepted, but I'm being lazy. For now you'll have to npm link my fork of Stylus.


Decided rather than waiting I would just do it a better way. Now focusing my energy on CoffeeSprites. Will still keep stylus-lemonade around for posterity, but probably no new features.


sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev # on ubuntu; a libgd dependency
npm install stylus-lemonade

Use in Javascript

For the very latest and most comprehensive example, see test/integration/server.js.

var stylus = require('stylus');
  .render(function(err, css_output){

Use in Stylus

For the very latest and most comprehensive examples, see test/fixtures/private/stylesheets/application.styl.

$animated_flame = sprite-map('flame')
  background: url(sprite-url($animated_flame)) no-repeat
  height: sprite-height($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0001')
  width: sprite-width($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0001')
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0001') !important
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0002') !important
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0003') !important
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0004') !important
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0005') !important
  background-position: sprite-position($animated_flame, 'flame_a_0006') !important

Will output CSS like this:

#flame {
  background: url(../images/flame-4e9c94d3fa.png) no-repeat;
  height: 512px;
  width: 512px;
.flame-frame-1 {
  background-position: 0 0 !important;
.flame-frame-2 {
  background-position: 0 -512px !important;
.flame-frame-3 {
  background-position: 0 -1024px !important;
.flame-frame-4 {
  background-position: 0 -1536px !important;
.flame-frame-5 {
  background-position: 0 -2048px !important;
.flame-frame-6 {
  background-position: 0 -2560px !important;

And the image will turn out like this:


npm test # build coffee, run mocha unit test, run chrome browser integration test

To do

  • add validation to ensure no stylus defined function can be called with invalid input to avoid cryptic lockups
  • could probably simplify by calculating x, y, width, height using gd directly and once during render() rather than as-we-go
  • find a way to provide image-width and image-height mixins that can accept public paths and evaluate private paths according to single lemonade config (UPDATE: I found a way while working on coffee-assets but will wait for pull request to be approved before wasting time merging it)