coffee-stylesheets copied to clipboard
Transpiler similar to SASS/SCSS/LESS/Stylus, except its 100% CoffeeScript!
What if you could write CoffeeScript like:
body ->
background 'black'
color 'red'
p ->
font_size '12px'
border_radius px 5
comment 'and now something more complex'
serve_pie = ->
# adds ie7 support for css3 border-radius, box-shadow, and linear-gradient
position 'relative'
prop 'behavior', 'url(/assets/css3pie/'
pie_gradient = (a, b) ->
background a
prop '-pie-background', linear_gradient a, b # prop stands for property
s 'html.ie7', -> # s stands for selector
s '.section#content', ->
table '#anyId.anyClass1.anyClass2', ->
th id: 'anotherId', class: 'anotherClass1 anotherClass2', ->
# literal means literally what you provide will be output without modification
literal '-webkit-filter: blur(2px) grayscale (.5) opacity(0.8) hue-rotate(120deg);'
and get back a CSS3 stylesheet, like:
/* line 1418, precompile/assets/stylesheets/ */
body {
background: black;
color: red; }
/* line 1420, precompile/assets/stylesheets/ */
body p {
font-size: 12px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px; }
/* and now something more complex */
/* line 1421, precompile/assets/stylesheets/ */
html.ie7 .section#content table#anyId.anyClass1.anyClass2 {
position: relative;
behavior: url(/assets/css3pie/; }
/* line 1423, precompile/assets/stylesheets/ */
html.ie7 .section#content table#anyId.anyClass1.anyClass2 th#anotherId.anotherClass1.anotherClass2 {
position: relative;
behavior: url(/assets/css3pie/;
-webkit-filter: blur(2px) grayscale (.5) opacity(0.8) hue-rotate(120deg); }
Now, you can!
Just wrap it in this:
engine = new CoffeeStylesheets
format: true # optional
globals: # optional
px: (i) -> i + 'px' # a silly example of custom helpers
# the cross-browser version of border_radius() is provided by the CoffeeStylesheetsCompassFramework plugin
engine.render stylesheet, (err, css) ->
console.log css
Why this monstrosity?
- stand-alone; NO dependencies
- eliminates double-trees server/client-side in terms of both a) templating engines, and b) template files
- yet to be benchmarked, but likely 90% faster compilation than tokenizers (stylus, less, sass)
- only one language to write; one language to teach/master; one language to rule them all!
- common functions provided by js libs available and executed in same scope as stylesheet e.g., require()
- helps eliminate intermediary steps between the initial precompilation syntax sugar and the end result
Do I have to use CoffeeScript? While composing in CoffeeScript is obviously the point, you could store the compiled javascript version of the template, and after that no coffee-script dependency is required. There is a pure javascript version of the engine provided, as well.
Does it only work in Node.js or client-side/in-browser as well? It is designed to be used on either side. This is why it is lightweight, with no dependencies.
See also
- Works well with CoffeeTemplates
- Has a plugin called CoffeeSprites
- Has a plugin called CoffeeStylesheetsCompassFramework
- Thanks to Nino Paolo for beginning work on a SASS to CoffeeStylesheets Converter