Mike Ng
Mike Ng
/remove-lifecycle stale
Hi @justinsb there is still an ongoing discussion about the naming of the API. https://kubernetes.slack.com/archives/C09R1PJR3/p1709219829408229 https://github.com/kubernetes/enhancements/pull/4323#issuecomment-1971370125 https://groups.google.com/g/kubernetes-sig-multicluster/c/A49euAgo7bM/m/fv3vXrqbAAAJ We are also attending [KubeCon EU](https://kccnceu2024.sched.com/event/1YeOs) to discuss more on this topic. That...
KEP has been merged but there are more ongoing discussions around the naming of the API.
@justinsb PTAL https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-inventory-api/pull/6 your feedback is most welcome.
You are right Mike. Let's close this one. /close
FYI There is also this https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/4288 that was merged
If possible, could you please also consider https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/4297 Due to the unintended uninstall rollback, some of our customers were hit with unintended data loss.
Thanks @joelanford for all your help. Two PRs that I am less confident about and I am looking for your team's expert opinions on: - https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/4358 I think this is...
> For [operator-framework/operator-sdk#4288](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-sdk/pull/4288), is this just a defensive check, or is there actually a code path that results in a nil error and a nil `UninstallReleaseResponse` or nil `Release`? I'm...
@joelanford if you have some cycles, could you please see my idea here and post a feedback message: https://lists.cncf.io/g/cncf-helm/message/351 I am trying to enhance the `helm uninstall` so the helm...