Mike Selander
Mike Selander
@philipjohn this is working on my local 👍
Sure thing Phil: **The Job** Pulling 2 post types (posts & media) and every taxonomy type (but not limited to any specific terms) from main site into a single sub-site....
I've found a little more information that might help track this down. **Replication steps:** 1. Create a post on the original site with taxonomies assigned to it and a relationship...
OK I did look a little more and I think you're right, looks like my cron job was failing due to a self-signed SSL cert - I will update this...
@sambulance they are exclusionary because each filters the previous value so one or the other will always fail. This opens up a much larger can of worms but I'm glad...
@grappler are you still experiencing this? Any thoughts or ideas on the bug?
Thanks for the report Barry and super-useful link there! I'll take a look into it.
@srextasagar32 can you please provide some context to this? What are the metaboxes you're using that is causing this? What data do you have saved to those metaboxes? What environment...
This sounds reasonable to me, any thoughts @mattheu?
Can you please provide any more details on this @barryceelen?