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Magicsuggest integration
Hi! How i can integrate magicsuggest (http://nicolasbize.com/magicsuggest/doc.html) jQuery plugin on dinamyc row tables? No problem To add magicsuggest on adding row. But on deleting row values of input losts their order...
Here is my code! Help me!
` var rowList = [];
var controller = {
addRow: function(e, model){
console.log("ADD ROW");
newRow = 0;
newRow = (model.data.rows[model.data.rows.length-1].id)+1;
console.log("New id = "+newRow);
model.data.rows.push({ id: newRow, elem: [], value: ""});
rowList[newRow] = $('.ms_lista_row_'+newRow).magicSuggest({
name: 'row_'+newRow,
typeDelay: 10,
method: 'post',
maxSelection: 1,
data: agency_global.ajax_url,
dataUrlParams: { action: "get_list_elem" },
displayField: 'text',
valueField: 'value',
allowFreeEntries: true,
allowDuplicates: false,
placeholder: 'Write and search',
selectionRenderer: function(data){
return data.text + ' (<b>' + data.value + '</b>)';
ajaxConfig: {
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true,
noSuggestionText: '<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold;">No suggest!</span>',
maxSelectionRenderer: function(v) {
return '';
$(rowList[newRow]).on('selectionchange', function(e, m, r){
model.data.rows[newRow].elem = r;
console.log("Change ROW input Element");
deleteRow: function(e, model){
console.log("DEL ROW "+model.selectedRow.id);
var delete_index;
model.data.rows.forEach(function(item, index){
console.log("ROW "+index);
if(item.id == model.selectedRow.id){
console.log("item = "+item.id+" SELECTED ROW = "+model.selectedRow.id+" index = "+index);
delete_index = index;
model.data.rows.splice(delete_index, 1);
// update row ids
var i=0;
model.Polizza.compagnie.c.forEach(function(item, index){
item.id = i;
// Update magicSuggest values
rowList.forEach(function(item, index){
$(item).on('selectionchange', function(e, m, r){
model.data.rows[index].elem = r;
console.log("Change ROW input Element");
On adding row it's all ok! But when i remove row, current row is deleted, but all magic suggest values are wrong! Where is the error?
Where are you using rivets? I working fiddle would help.
If you are using rv-each you may hit this know bug: https://github.com/mikeric/rivets/issues/515