Michalis Papadimitriou
Michalis Papadimitriou
@jjfumero @stratika @mairooni when you have time can we do another iteration on testing,. Now, it it stable to merge after we test it.
> The batch processing with PTX still failing: > > ``` > tornado -ea --jvm "-Xmx6g -Dtornado.recover.bailout=False -Dtornado.unittests.verbose=True " -m tornado.unittests/uk.ac.manchester.tornado.unittests.tools.TornadoTestRunner --params "uk.ac.manchester.tornado.unittests.batches.TestBatches" > WARNING: Using incubator modules: jdk.incubator.vector >...
@jjfumero @stratika @mairooni I did another iteration on this one to sync it with the latest develop. Batches now pass without causing a segfault. However, now `multithreaded.TestMultiThreadedExecutionPlans` causes a segfault....
Thanks @jjfumero, I will get into this issue