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HidLibrary copied to clipboard

This library enables you to enumerate and communicate with Hid compatible USB devices in .NET.

Results 77 HidLibrary issues
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I tried to add them because of the need for the faster `Write()` methods. (also mentioned in this [comment](https://github.com/mikeobrien/HidLibrary/issues/94#issuecomment-367905633)) The names may be a little ugly...

I believe the following needs to be updated as "NETSTANDARD2_0_OR_GREATER || NET35 " to handle projects of .net standard > 2.0 #if **NET20** || NET35

Hi Contributors, Before I get into my issue, thank you very much for the library. I am writing a simple winform app to write and read data from my custom...

I need the friendly name of the the device or to get device by the friendly name of the device. My problem is that I have multiple Headset with the...

Hi, is there a possibility that the NuGet package of the library could be updated ? Looks like it was not updated since the end of 2019 :-\ Or maybe...

The ReadReport function is intermittently returning an empty data buffer. if (device.WriteReport(report, 100) == true) { HidReport report = device.ReadReport(500); if (report.ReadStatus == HidDeviceData.ReadStatus.Success) { // do stuff with report.Data...

Hi, First time user of HidLibrary. I followed the simple example. My OnReport method gets called continuously and report.Data is always and empty byte[8]. My device is a barcode scanner...

Hello. I have a product uses your library, it was in use for Win only and now we updated our systems to .Net5.0 and we should give support on linux...

C# can run on linux using mono. It is possible to support linux using libusb backend