Mikel Maron
Mikel Maron
Another strategy would be to overshoot, and gather a few extra replication files, and then filter to the timestamp in osm-meta-util
@Rub21 put together a library to make this calculation https://github.com/osmlab/osmreplication @kamicut what's the best way to integrate?
https://github.com/openstreetmap/openstreetmap-website/pull/297. Looks like @bhousel deleted the branch ;), but it can be recovered and there is some code in the crowdcover fork. Would need a fresh look anyhow, since a...
I've been trying to locate someone knowledgable on the methodology used for the source of road network length in CIA World Fact, but have not gotten to the bottom of...
@tcql @planemad @lxbarth @geohacker Can we do a rough fix on this easily by cutting in half the lengths of all one way highway=[motorway,primary,secondary]
@tcql interesting. agree with @planemad, this is lower drop than expected. for instance, in the US, @lxbarth points out there are just about [50K miles in the interstate system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interstate_Highway_System). How...
A couple more random thoughts - Still think it's useful to have the total amount of raw roads ways in OSM. - Will be useful to see a more subtle...