Mike Kranidis
Mike Kranidis
> @mikekgr When it happens, can this Android device establish a remote control connection with other devices normally? Yes, the remote connection(s) working fine, only the indication is always orange...
Dear Sirs, without change anything, today (16 Feb. 2023 I can see the correct online / offline status for my remotes on my Android phone. I can't explain it though...
@rustdesk Please explain to me something, on 11 Feb. 2023 I downloaded the below rustserver.zip from 1.1.7 release. As you can see the size of the zip is 8214419 -rw-r--r--...
+1 too !
Dear @Edzelf , what I already tried is to put the correct I2C pins OLED_scl=15, OLED_sda=4, OLED_rst=16. I successfully compiled then the "main" ino file ESP32_radio.ino and then I did...
Dear @Edzelf , yes I did, I fount Esp32_radio_init.ino inside the subdirectory tools and I loaded to Arduino IDE. Then after changed the lines 39,40: `preferences.putString ( "wifi_00", "myHomeWiFi/12345678" )...
Thanks a lot dear @Edzelf for your fast responce and the bug fixing! I will try it when at home. Have a nice day.
Dear @Edzelf , I have the HELTEC board with me so I can tested in my workplace and I did. I discovered that If I change the "default" display from...
**Sorry something wrong in my browser cache, ignore it** dear @Edzelf making the diff between your latest Esp32_radio.ino and the Esp32_radio.ino that was 5 days ago I found them 100%...
Dear @Edzelf , yes it is working now. To help somebody looking the same, to have OLED activated in ESP32-Radio using HELTEC WiFi Kit 32 { ESP32 }, the following...