Mike Kranidis
Mike Kranidis
> Hi, now it works fine! > > take a look at examples below. the difference is clear :) 92a6d7-> 330092a6d7 928ee4 -> 3800928ee4 5c1f3d -> 61005c1f3d thanks a lot!...
> > @MarkusPL0 can you help me on this? I just want the modified files rdm6300.cpp and rdm6300.h > > as I understood you have them already modified and working,...
> > @MarkusPL0 can you help me on this? I just want the modified files rdm6300.cpp and rdm6300.h > > as I understood you have them already modified and working,...
Dear @MarkusPL0 , I first tester the below unmodified sketch (from the library's examples: read_to_serial), after using the modified library from your supplied zip ` #include #include #define RDM6300_RX_PIN 4...
> I was testing it using Wemos D1 board (based on ESP8266). When you change your board to Wemos D1 (or whatever based on ESP8266) this program will compile without...
@rustdesk Hello. As I understood you suggesting me to update the server but I already running 1.1.7 ( I updated a few days ago ). Is there any new release...
> Desktop ok, but mobile not? Yes, in my Windows 10 PC the status seems ok at the same time my Android phone say all remotes as offline.
One more observation regarding the RustDesk Server, although it remains at 1.1.7 is younger !!! Do I need to re update my 1.1.7 server installation ?
> BTW, are you sure mobile RustDesk is connected to self-hosted server? Sure because I can connect to my remotes without problems
> > younger > > How old? this feature has been added serveral month. Let me explain better, I update my server from version 1.1.6 to 1.1.7 a few days...