Mike Hardy

Results 1358 comments of Mike Hardy

Another one recently: ``` 2020-08-11T08:05:43.4420540Z ##[group]Run nohup yarn run tests:packager:jet & 2020-08-11T08:05:43.4421030Z nohup yarn run tests:packager:jet & 2020-08-11T08:05:43.4421270Z printf 'Waiting for packager to come online' 2020-08-11T08:05:43.4421510Z until curl --output /dev/null...

~~Sometimes the instrumentation process `ps` adb command fails for some reason, which means the instrumentation process isn't detected, so the instrumentationCloseListener is called which tears everything down~~ Sometimes the app...

~~initial ADB logs containing extra info show something that seems racy in the app/detox-testee side react native context bringup + websocket init~~ This could use some upstream attention, but we...

Here is an "emulator did not look like it was started from detox' perspective fail": > detox[4922] DEBUG: [exec.js/EXEC_CMD, #3] "/Users/runner/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb" -s emulator-5554 shell "getprop dev.bootcomplete" Not sure how frequently...

~~This is more familiar to me, the emulator itself can fail to download/install correctly and is not wrapped in any sort of error-check/retry loop:~~ > Warning: An error occurred while...

~~JDK8 install failure:~~ ``` 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624000Z ##[group]Run actions/setup-java@v1 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624220Z with: 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624360Z java-version: 8 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624520Z architecture: x64 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624650Z java-package: jdk 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624790Z server-id: github 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9624930Z server-username: GITHUB_ACTOR 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9625060Z server-password: GITHUB_TOKEN 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9625190Z env: 2020-08-13T14:09:53.9625320Z...

Just saw one where it appeared that things were just slow on the emulator. This would likely have been okay and succeeded as a test run but indicates some performance...

~~Codecov can apparently fail to upload, on a 4 minute timeout?~~ ``` 2020-08-14T00:08:07.3571345Z ##[endgroup] 2020-08-14T00:08:07.4612825Z _____ _ 2020-08-14T00:08:07.4613423Z / ____| | | 2020-08-14T00:08:07.4613881Z | | ___ __| | ___ ___...

Found another one! This is new > 08-14 14:23:47.124 4341 4341 W IdlingPolicy: These resources are not idle: [com.wix.detox.reactnative.idlingresources.timers.TimersIdlingResource] [adb_logs-4.zip](https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase/files/5075375/adb_logs-4.zip)

Flaky test I think: ``` 1) firestore().collection().onSnapshot() unsubscribes from further updates: AssertionError: expected Function { name: '' } to be called thrice but was called 4 times spy([object Object], null)...