I think we can get a little more housekeeping done if we wait a few more days. Let's shoot for next week.
Hello @davidducos This is really cool and I think will make the tool easier to use. I tested on Debian bookworm and was able to install a package, but did...
@davidducos Thanks for the quick reply. Here is what I see: ``` # cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mydumper.list deb https://mydumper.github.io/mydumper/repo/apt/debian ./ #deb https://mydumper.github.io/mydumper/repo/apt/debian/testing ./ ``` ``` # apt policy mydumper mydumper: Installed: 0.16.4-15~buster...
> v0.16.5-1 has been released, please let me know if you see everything ok. I'll give it a shot > the title here was using koji and launchpad and we...
Hello @davidducos This time I tried RockyLinux bug got a dependency problem: ``` [root@mgtest-lvm5 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release Rocky Linux release 9.4 (Blue Onyx) [root@mgtest-lvm5 ~]# rpm -ql openssl-libs-3.0.7-27.el9.0.2.x86_64 | grep...
Also, I pedantically used the long-form GPG key, also with exact=on in my Ubuntu `wget`, but the `dnf` example in README.md differs. They should probably be the same, either way.
I am not positive it works this way, but I think the yum repo might want to look like: ``` baseurl=https://mydumper.github.io/mydumper/repo/yum/$releasever/$basearch ``` And then eg `yum/mydumper-0.16.5-1.el9.x86_64.rpm` gets moved to: ```...