laravel-sign-in-with-apple copied to clipboard
Client error: `POST` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response: {"error":"invalid_client"}
I have configured all the configuration for apple signin. It is redirect to apple site to get username and password. after that in callback, it is showing like this
I am getting the same issue, did you have any luck resolving this?
Yes I am getting this same issue , before a month its working fine on my site
It is because, your client_secret token is expired, you need to generate a new token and replace it with old one, it will be fixed then. you can add max 6 months expire time of JWT token, after 6 months you have to generate new one.
@iamaz007 I create new app and new client secret and update the existing configuration but its giving the same error
@iamaz007 I create new app and new client secret and update the existing configuration but its giving the same error
you don't need to create new app in apple, just generate a new client_secret, make sure you have selected right algorithm it is "ES256" for apple JWT in code, after implementing new client_secret, clear your Laravel cache, to do this, simply go to boostrap/cache and delete all files from there except .gitIgnore
Thanks I will try this
Unfortunately I am facing this same issue after removing the Laravel cache and deleting all files except .gitignore form boostrap/cache folder .
This is how , I am creating my client secret
require 'jwt'
key_file = 'key.txt' team_id = 'XYZ' client_id = 'XYZ' key_id = 'XYZ'
ecdsa_key = key_file
headers = { 'kid' => key_id }
claims = { 'iss' => team_id, 'iat' =>, 'exp' => + 86400*180, 'aud' => '', 'sub' => client_id, }
token = JWT.encode claims, ecdsa_key, 'ES256', headers puts token
I am also getting this error:
Client error: POST
resulted in a 400 Bad Request
response: {"error":"invalid_client"}
I recreated my JWT token to make sure it was not expired and I made sure the ES256 algorithm was being used.
Has anyone with this issue found a solution?
Thank you in advance!
Update: I tried validating my JWT token at and it came up as an invalid signature. I'm not sure if this is what was causing the invalid_client error or not, but I was not able to resolve it. I ended up switching to use the library at It takes care of generating the token, so all you have to do is fill in the config values from your Apple account and it works. Good luck all.
I ended up generating the client secret using lcobucci/jwt
use Lcobucci\JWT\Configuration;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Hmac\Sha256;
use Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\InMemory;
$now = new \DateTimeImmutable();
$jwtConfig = Configuration::forSymmetricSigner(
new Sha256(),
InMemory::file(__DIR__ . '/AuthKey.pem')
$token = $jwtConfig->builder()
->expiresAt($now->modify('+1 hour'))
->withHeader('kid', 'XXXXXXXX')
->getToken($jwtConfig->signer(), $jwtConfig->signingKey());
echo $token->toString();
more info is here
@iamaz007 I create new app and new client secret and update the existing configuration but its giving the same error
you don't need to create new app in apple, just generate a new client_secret, make sure you have selected right algorithm it is "ES256" for apple JWT in code, after implementing new client_secret, clear your Laravel cache, to do this, simply go to boostrap/cache and delete all files from there except .gitIgnore
Plz, how to generate new client secret ?