Mikeal Rogers

Results 323 comments of Mikeal Rogers

This is going to sound like hyperbole but it really isn't: this is probably the most important thing ReadableStream could do to advance the web platform. Let me explain. For...

@jimmywarting @isonmad Using Response this way might open up a pandoras box of security issues. The security model for Blobs is pretty much identical to what we want from ReadableStreams....

@domenic aren't some of those headers XSS related? I'm assuming that in ServiceWorkers, because you are caching and reconstructing remote requests, you can create responses that appear to be from...

> What would be the difference of just doing URL.createObjectURL(response) when a Service worker can construct there own response with a ReadableStream and do just the same thing? I've actually...

> I think we would be better served making various .src attributes take Response or ReasableStream objects directly. How practical is this? Would this require reaching into the spec for...

Any code sample you do in Node.js that will "just work" if I did that same thing bundled through webpack would be fine :) If there's something about the browser...

Is there a resolution to this yet? @bcoe I tried using `c8` but it also doesn’t work yet :(

Some quick details, I’ll come back to this later to debug a bit more. 1. I’m not using `.mjs` because you really don’t need to. With `—experimental-modules` you can use...

Ok, this seems to be working for me now. I don’t what was going on there but it just works entirely now 🤷🏽‍♀️