
Results 17 comments of mike-niemand

Yuck same for me. Anyone solved this?

Remember to remove the curly brackets from TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY & TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET

It doesn't work with 0.62. See this commit: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/commit/86d90c03ebe39ebc4b2c6dcc0747b4f3a34f5f2f _Changelog: [General] [Removed] - Removed `propTypes` from Animated components._

Pull the project and change Animated.Text.propTypes to Text.propType and removed Animated from the imports. _style: Animated.Text.propTypes.style_

Neither can I. Why have ACM if certificates created in Amplify are not visible in it?

WTH! Same here...with Opticons

Is this complete? How do we handle ads.txt in the root?

@wkoutre Mind sharing how you got this to work? I have 'react-native-extra-dimensions-android' installed and working but how is the HEIGHT passed to 'react-native-modal'? Must be missing something.

@wkoutre Yeah, tried that and it made no difference. I am getting the extra dimension height correctly on an S8 but can still see the status bar on react-native-modal (full...

Run it in a docker container.