Mike Thomas
Mike Thomas
FYI: @mikermcneil I confused your request to turn the Digital Experience part of this OKR into an issue and made this issue for your entire OKR instead. @noahtalerman this may...
@noahtalerman, I created this ticket when this OKR fell under Digital Experience. Please let me know if this is of any use to you. Otherwise, I think we can just...
@noahtalerman, edit to the above. It looks like it still is listed under Digital Experience. Before we transitioned devrel, my intention was for Kathy and Kelvin to work on this...
@noahtalerman, I'm just checking in about where you are with testing osquery tables? I want to start adding them to the Fleet docs as soon as possible. Thanks.
Current webpage design ready for review https://www.figma.com/file/yLP0vJ8Ms4GbCoofLwptwS/%E2%9C%85-fleetdm.com-(current%2C-dev-ready)?node-id=4528%3A13076 @zhumo, I'm not sure where the best place to add "user context-dependent" is. Is it related to the UID col? Would it make...
@zhumo, thanks for meeting up today. I'll get these comments and feedback in the wireframes.
@zhumo, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting on this. I aim to have the designs complete by EOW.
@zhumo, ~the website version (including mobile)~ Osquery schema for website and Fleet EE is ready for review. Can we grab some time early next week to go over it? Your...
@zhumo I've updated the screens. Let me know if we've covered everything, and we can loop in @mikermcneil for review and @eashaw to scope out the technicalities https://www.figma.com/file/yLP0vJ8Ms4GbCoofLwptwS/%E2%9C%85-fleetdm.com-(current%2C-dev-ready)?node-id=4528%3A13076
@zhumo, would you mind checking my dev notes and correcting or adding anything that I have missed?