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A super fast CLI tool to decode and encode JWTs built in Rust

Results 27 jwt-cli issues
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Bumps [jsonwebtoken](https://github.com/Keats/jsonwebtoken) from 7.2.0 to 8.1.1. Changelog Sourced from jsonwebtoken's changelog. 8.1.1 (2022-06-17) Fix invalid field name on OctetKeyParameters 8.1.0 (2022-04-12) Make optional fields in the spec really optional Implements...


### Summary I've had a hard time to read the output of jwt in my programming tool in spite of the -j option, because in error-case it doesn't return plain...

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Colors! Because who doesn't like them?! Just opening this PR to see if there's demand. It's a really slow/lazy way to implement syntax highlighting but it works. I can improve...

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I tried installing this on a docker container, alpine linux. `docker run -it alpine:3.6` And ran below set of commands. `wget https://github.com/mike-engel/jwt-cli/releases/download/5.0.3/jwt-linux.tar.gz;tar -xvzf jwt-linux.tar.gz;rm -rf jwt-linux.tar.gz;mv jwt /usr/local/bin/` But, when...


### Summary It would be great if additional headers were displayed with standard ones.

help wanted

Seems strange to me - why treat the secret format differently for different algorithms? Aren't they orthogonal concerns?

help wanted

### Summary `EdDSA` is currently not a supported algorithm, it would be great if it could be, however I know that the algorithm support comes from a dependency. Since that...

### Summary I am trying to encode a token on Windows using the following command: `jwt encode --alg RS256 --exp "+60 sec" --iss [email protected]` I am getting the errors: ```...

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`decode` allows supplying the `-j` (`--json`) flag to output JSON in the following format: ```json { "header": { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "HS256" }, "payload": { "exp": 1835241013, "iat": 1635240113, "sub":...

New: If no secret/publicKey is provided by the user, no signature check is performed. Rather then silently skipping the signature check, this commit introduces a warning in this case. New:...

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