Barnacal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Barnacal copied to clipboard

A simple menu bar app for viewing a calendar


A simple menu bar app for viewing a calendar

Screenshot of Barnacal


To install Barnacal on your system, visit the Releases page. From there you can download the binary for your system. If your system isn't supported, consider opening an issue or pull request to add support for it.


This a Node.js project at heart, so begin by installing the npm dependencies.

npm install

To start the front end compiler, run npm run dev in a terminal window. This will automatically watch and compile changes to your files.

npm run dev

Finally, open a new terminal window/tab and start the electron process. This will launch the app and you can begin using it.

npm run electron:start

If you want the electron app to be reloaded when you edit the html or JS files, then you'll want to install watchexec first, then run the watch command.

# install watchexec if you don't have it already
brew install watchexec

npm run watch:electron


You can open Chrome Dev Tools while developing Put this in index.js inside configureWindow function. It will open Dev Tools in the calendar.



Issues and Pull requests are both welcomed! Prettier is enabled by default as a pre-commit hook, but feel free to add it to your editor.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

