Mike Boyer

Results 12 comments of Mike Boyer

Of note, this was the first time my 486 ran Day of the Tentacle without softMPU for my MT-32... I used to get memory errors, but that is no longer...

Shareware (from an old demo disk I had as a kid) and Tyrian 2000 (from GoG)

Thanks! Ran both cmod & gusdram on the Pentium 2, as well as the 486. In both cases, cmod froze, and gusdram reported no issues (photos attached). ![pentium2](https://github.com/polpo/picogus/assets/21992666/2c62a969-02a1-4bab-9eee-848cb3e6a3d1) ![486](https://github.com/polpo/picogus/assets/21992666/c6269577-0389-46d2-97e5-fc23c463fb45)

Ok update for the 486: working great (if no other cards present). I pulled the Aztech Sound Galaxy Washington out, and audio just worked in Jazz Jackrabbit. It's jumper was...

Nice! Looking forward to seeing what you find on your end. I did identify my 486 motherboard... [link here](https://theretroweb.com/motherboards/s/unknown-isa-s486) (well, it's 'unidentified' here, but at least it has some detail)

Forward progress! Raptor (Shareware) is working on the P2. I was using Phil's Computer Lab's MS-DOS mode made easy, and had been updating both autoexec.bat for windows and for the...

~~I don't know a lot about GUS's, but should this be able to do music and sfx at the same time?~~ setting error on my end

I'm good to close this, unless we want to try some things to see about compatibility with that symphony chip... happy to try stuff/test that as needed. I mainly have...

There are still conflicts on the 486. It wasn't one of the 'compatible' chipsets, but it seems like its the exact same issue. My autoexec.bat settings are set to that...

Looks like the intel configuration utility might be a good option Will try this first. https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=58009