brackets-autoprefixer copied to clipboard
Cannot get 'grid: true' to work with Brackets Extension
Just installed latest autoprefixer extension into latest version of Brackets.
First time using autoprefixer. I'm currently running windows 10.
Settings are
- visual cascade (unchecked)
- Browsers -- '> 1%' -- 'last 4 versions' -- 'Firefox ESR' -- 'not ie < 10'
I am testing with a snippet of code I know to have no bugs, I have autoprefixed this snippet online using The autoprefixed snippet, which includes auto-prefixed grid properties, works great in IE.
I cannot get the same autoprefix result in Brackets. With the above settings no grid CSS is altered, although other autoprefixing does occur (I understand the default is 'grid: false').
How do I change this default using the Brackets extension? I have tried:
- In settings adding another setting under Browsers 'grid: true'. This stops all autoprefixing.
- In settings adding another setting under Browsers 'grid: on'. This stops all autoprefixing.
- adding a comment to the top of my CSS sheet '/* autoprefixer grid: on */'. Autoprefixing works, but not for grid properties.
I'm a complete novice, any help would be appreciated!
@aaadddzzzIP uses very old Autoprefixer, which didn’t support grid: true
Use Gup with PostCSS and Autoprefixer instead. It is a much better way:
@mikaeljorhult can we update Autoprefixer? We need 9.3.1 (current is 7.x).