brackets-autoprefixer copied to clipboard
Autoprefixer Extension in Brackets
After installing the Autoprefixer extension it appears to not be working correctly. I should be able to select a specific portion of my code and then go to edit and select auto prefix selection. However, when I do this it will not work unless I know which specific piece of code needs the prefix. In my training, I was told to select my entire css file and then select the auto prefix selection. Those prefixes should automatically appear and nothing happens.
check that there is no error in your code, in that case prefixer will not work. a ";" or a "}". It is easy to happen. I advise you to open a new folder and create an empty CSS file to test the functioning of autoprefixer
Make sure that you have a valid CSS file (the extension will not work on Sass or Less). There's probably an issue just like @parlita001 suggested.
Feel free to post the CSS if you keep having the same issue.