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Build armhf packages

Open linuxmail opened this issue 6 years ago • 8 comments


I have to build packages for armhf (Icinga2 2.9) and installed also qemu-user-static, but what I have to do next, for building packages for armhf (Raspberry3) ?

cu denny

linuxmail avatar Aug 13 '18 12:08 linuxmail

basically if you install j-d-g the first time you just have a look at the 3 preinstalled jobs. copy them one by one while editing all fields to your needs: in -source job you can define the (git) source repository. in -binaries job you can define what architectures you want to build for. in -piuparts job the built packages will be tested. but that's all very well described on

vchrizz avatar Oct 31 '18 01:10 vchrizz


that doesn't work. I have many projects with j-d-g but all of them are amd64/x86. :-)

linuxmail avatar Oct 31 '18 09:10 linuxmail

well, that does indeed work, i use vagrant to automatically run a vanilla debian9 system, install j-d-g, set up the job and let it build. maybe you want to explain what exactly does not work?

vchrizz avatar Oct 31 '18 11:10 vchrizz

Could be related to

nuxwin avatar Nov 05 '18 02:11 nuxwin

i tried to build packages through j-d-g using icinga2 debian git repo and this works well for me on amd64,i386,mips,mipsel,mips64el,armhf,armel architectures. just installed jenkins-debian-glue, copied it's three default jobs changing values to icinga2 and let it build...

vchrizz avatar Nov 06 '18 12:11 vchrizz

@vchrizz This cannot work out-of-box normally as the reprepro is provisioned only with adm64, i386 and source architectures... Maybe you reprepro (conf/distributions) was already setup for other architectures?

By default, the build step work but not the publishing part.

nuxwin avatar Nov 06 '18 12:11 nuxwin

maybe i am misunderstanding something, but all i do is using vagrant to automatically create a new vm from scratch, installing vanilla debian9 on it and then run the two commands to install j-d-g. after that i copy the default jobs and edit name to icinga2, change icinga2-source job git repo to the, then edit icinga2-binaries job to add architectures i want, then i just build icinga2-source job and have debian packages after some hour(s). you can have a look at my j-d-g installation or directly its debian repository where i also built icinga2 (armhf) packages with j-d-g. (as i delete and recreate the vm via vagrant often, it could be you cant reach it, or its just rebulding everything, then just try some time later.) im typically building from master branch, before i select a specific branch, it could be that there were changes made which actually brakes the build. but last week it went successfully when i tried it to be sure if it works (before i posted that it works for me). then i looked if there are recent debian packages in official debian repos, and there are already the most recent ones. e.g. (so i didnt care to keep the successfully built packages last week, but to proof its working, im now adding icinga2 jobs again to my automatism)

vchrizz avatar Nov 06 '18 21:11 vchrizz


than .. I would install a new VM (proxmox) and try a fresh install with Jenkins and j-d-g. Maybe there are changes .. But ... what I don't understand ... how the cross compiling works. I use pbuilder for the x86/x64 build. Every build we create, creates a new pbuilder environment. Also, to create everytime a new Vagrant VM and install Jenkins + d-j-g is not very .... good for us. We have a lot of jobs/settings/configs users .... on Jenkins ... so to redeploy isn't a way.

linuxmail avatar Nov 08 '18 13:11 linuxmail