Mike Cohen
Mike Cohen
# Bounty Application: sBTC Bridge API **CB-2Q23-03.1 : sBTC Bridge: API Continuation #872** The sBTC Bridge API is missing some important features. This proposal addresses the needs of Bounty #872...
This grant is completed - see [GitBook](https://brighton-blockchain.gitbook.io/sbtc-bridge/sbtc-bridge-plan/updates/sbtc-bridge-api) for details. Work on the Bridge is ongoing @will-at-stacks I submitted an application for continued funding for the work to support the alpha...
### Update 5 Jul. **sbtc-bridge-api** 23 Pull Requests completed to date 1. [PR 44](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-api/pull/44) is the back end work for the two API apps (testnet and mainnet) to connect to...
### July 25th [PR 193](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-web/pull/193) Several days debugging byte array and hex strings with @netrome. hard work paid off - led to first successfuly sBTC Alpha withdrawal: https://twitter.com/radicleart/status/1683801378668396545 ### July...
### July 26th See [PR 53](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-api/pull/53) covers work needed to support Coordinator development around agreement on wire format for deposit and withdrawal payloads and especially on building embedded signature for...
### August 7th [PR 202](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-web/pull/202) Separate sBTC alpha deployment [PR 200](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-web/pull/200) Currency support in UI [PR 59](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-api/pull/59) Separate sBTC alpha deployment [PR 56](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-api/pull/56) Feat/55 signer api microservice [PR 53](https://github.com/Stacks-Builders/sbtc-bridge-api/pull/53) Withdrawal...
Thanks @will-at-stacks. I've started a [plan on this wiki page](https://github.com/Trust-Machines/sbtc-bridge-web/wiki/sBTC-Bridge-Plan). Happy to get feedback on this aspect of reporting.
@will-at-stacks moving planning docs from wiki to gitbook as per you previous comment. Early version [published here](https://brighton-blockchain.gitbook.io/sbtc-bridge/) but I'll be tidying it up over the next day or two.
From the google doc attachment supporting the application. # Bounty Application: Stacks Signer Dashboard **CB-2Q23-04.3 : sBTC Stacks-Signer Dashboard: RPC-API and UI #877** The sBTC Stacks Signers Dashboard is the...
Development work has started on this. Details are in [GitBook](https://brighton-blockchain.gitbook.io/sbtc-bridge/sbtc-bridge-plan/updates/stacks-signer-dashboard).