Miikka Koskinen
Miikka Koskinen
I've started working towards generating JSON-Schemata from clojure.spec specs. [The branch is here](https://github.com/metosin/ring-swagger/compare/master...miikka:spec-%3Ejson-schema). A full integration needs quite a bit work, but it was simple enough to do something that...
I investigated this problem a bit since it happens with Doo as well. It happens if the Clojure namespace `clojure.core.rrb-vector.nodes` gets loaded before the rrb-vector ClojureScript code gets compiled. I...
The underlying issue [CRRBV-15](https://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CRRBV-15) has been fixed and a new version of [core.rrb-vector](https://github.com/clojure/core.rrb-vector) with the fix has been released as `[org.clojure/core.rrb-vector "0.0.14"]`. I believe this issue can be closed.
> `wrap-content-type` only adds a content type to the response if one is not already present. I presume muuntaja works the same way. Yes, muuntaja works the same way.
Metosin uses Kaocha as well – please find a suitable logo from https://github.com/metosin/media
I often would like to have the version of this that takes a boolean. ```clj (defn set-toggle [set item include?] (if include? (conj set item) (disj set item)) ```
I've had some really weird problems with PGobjects caching something when I use tools.namespace.repl to reload code. My colleagues think this is due to a bug deep in the Postgres...
Another option: 3. Do some kind of workaround with a sentinel value. Merging would still be done by meta-merge, but with some kind of support for nil like `{:muuntaja ::reitit/nil}`....
No, I believe it was not ever implemented
Documenting it in the docstring is a good idea. Here's what it does: "allow symlinks that lead to paths outside the root classpath directories (defaults to false)" https://github.com/ring-clojure/ring/blob/1.9.2/ring-core/src/ring/util/response.clj#L330-L331