ui-carousel copied to clipboard
fade=true with autoplay
Hi, thanks for the great work with the ui-carousel. It is amazingly easy to use.
I faced the problem, that if I add fade="true"
the autoplay does not work anymore. I did not see a report about that behavior.
For an example I just took your codepen: http://codepen.io/mihnsen/pen/ZejQBJ
And add there the fade="true"
Best regards, Fabian
@fanick-ber Fixed on bacacfb
Why 'fade=true' is not working? My config as follows:
<ui-carousel slides="vm.slideImages" autoplay="true" fade="true" speed="1000" slides-to-scroll="1" initial-slide="0"> <carousel-item> <div class="image"><img src="{{ item.image }}"></div> </carousel-item> </ui-carousel>
And relevant version as follows:
"angular": "~1.6.3", "angular-animate": "~1.6.3", "angular-bootstrap": "~2.5.0", "angular-messages": "~1.6.3", "angular-resource": "~1.6.3", "angular-ui-router": "~1.0.19", "bootstrap": "~3.3.6", "angular-ui-carousel": "^0.1.10"