Mihai Capotă
Mihai Capotă
For example, in `hyperparamopt`, only `fmin` is used outside BrainIAK, so `get_sigma` should be `_get_sigma`. Related to issue #401.
Could be inspired by Matplotlib's: https://matplotlib.org/devel/min_dep_policy.html Note that we currently don't specify the minimum versions explicitly. For example, we currently implicitly support Python 3.4 by running Travis tests that use...
Follow-up on discussion from Gitter chat room: https://gitter.im/brainiak/brainiak?at=5bc9d5a564cfc273f9f03ad6 CC @amennen, @qihongl, @CameronTEllis, @manojneuro.
See the xarray docs for "Why xarray?": http://xarray.pydata.org/en/stable/why-xarray.html Thoughts?
Potentially using Invoke: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/invoke as used by Pip and others: http://pip.readthedocs.io/en/stable/development/#release-process
We have a mixture of Unix and Windows at the moment.
In pr-check, we are currently testing BrainIAK using an editable-mode installation of the Git working tree. However, what we are most interested in is subtly different: testing the installation from...
The return values are not documented in the docstrings for `run_block_function`: https://github.com/IntelPNI/brainiak/blob/master/brainiak/searchlight/searchlight.py#L260 and `run_searchlight`: https://github.com/IntelPNI/brainiak/blob/master/brainiak/searchlight/searchlight.py#L378