Flowetch copied to clipboard
🌷 A flower (fetch) minimal and aesthetic.
👇 Index
- 👇 Index
- ⚙️ Installation
🎨 Customization
- 🖼️ Art
⚙️ Installation
- Clone this repo with
git clone https://github.com/migueravila/Flowetch.git
- Run
cd Flowetch
- Run
sudo make install
- Now you can run it with
🎨 Customization
This fetch Is thought to be used as a personal fetch and have your own fork of it (That's why It doesn't work for all distros or have a lot of ASCII art)
🖼️ Art
ARTR1="${c1} _ _ "
ARTR2="${c1} (_\_) "
ARTR3="${c1} (__<__) "
ARTR4="${c1} (_/_) "
ARTR5="${c2} \ | "
ARTR6="${c2} \|/ "