Miguel Riem de Oliveira

Results 170 comments of Miguel Riem de Oliveira

Olá @josepedropinto-pt , > Basicamente estamos a tentar fazer o clustering dos pontos do lidar, o objetivo é criar markers apenas para as paredes e excluir os clusters dos robôs....

Hi @Analtino2021 , can you post your urdf.xacro? I think you may be missing the arg player_name there.

I think the error is here. You have this: ` ` and I have this: ` ` Notice I removed two '

OK, still not sure what's wrong. In your player.urdf.xacro you are calling the macro **player.gazebo.macro.xacro** ```xml ``` Can you try without the macro, i.e., uncommenting the first line and commenting...

Obrigado @joao-pm-santos96 pela ajuda. Realmente não se podem usar argumentos dentro das macros.

???? então é para apagar mesmo os comentados? Muito estranho. @PedroRibeiro37 pode colocar aqui o conteúdo do(s) seu(s) ficheiro(s)? xacro para tentar perceber?

Hi @Sarxell , not sure what's wrong. Can you manually add the soccer field in gazebo? Does the same occur?

Hi @MartinRivadeneira , not sure what is going on ... can you compile with catkin_make? Do you have the message listed when you run ros msg list

Hi @PedroCarvalho98 , did you try this? https://answers.ros.org/question/371691/valueerror-pycapsule_getpointer-called-with-incorrect-name/

Hi @PedroCarvalho98 Can you describe exactly what you did, i.e. , the terminal commands.