Miguel Riem de Oliveira
Miguel Riem de Oliveira
Hi @SandyWare , I have the same problem. Tried to rollback to 0.9.12 with command sudo pip3 install carla==0.9.12 but then when I run the bridge I get the error:...
Hi there. Do you know if this functionality exists now? Thanks
Olá @Malhocas , não consigo perceber exatamente qual será o problema. Apareça amanhã na aula de dúvidas. Será mais fácil tentar ajudar de forma interativa.
Olá @Te1moFernandes , nesta altura, não posso estar a tirar dúvidas porque o período de avaliação já iniciou. É que já vários grupos foram já avaliados hoje e não justo...
Olá @ufesvinicius , nunca useu esse package. Vou criar uma aula de apoio hoje à noite pelas 21h para tentar ajudar. Cumprimentos, Miguel
Hi @Analtino2021 , these are two separate problems, I think. About the worlds being incomplete, are you using a virtual machine? Do you have GPU acceleration? Can you switch if...
Hi @Analtino2021 , in the rqt graph **you should not** have the checkbox hide dead sinks clicked. That way we can see what gazebo is waiting for. Your gazebo is...
Hum, that's strange because gazebo should be listening to a cmd_vel topic. Can you post the output of `rosnode info /gazebo` Also, which xacro files are you using?
Well I think you should have something wrong in the xacros because there is no topic cmd_vel in gazebo ... This works for you? https://emanual.robotis.com/docs/en/platform/turtlebot3/simulation/ Does gazebo in this case...
I think that's it. Can you add it? It should be called from file player.urdf.xacro Or you can just copy these two turtlebot3_waffle_pi.gazebo.xacro turtlebot3_waffle_pi.urdf.xacro from https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3/tree/master/turtlebot3_description/urdf