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Cryptocurrency stats and charts displayed in your terminal.


Cryptocurrency stats and charts displayed in your terminal.

Table of Contents

  • Install
  • Usage
  • Examples
    • Chart
    • Table
  • FAQ
  • License


Make sure to have golang installed, then do:

go get -u


  • ncurses library


sudo apt-get install libncursesw5-dev


sudo yum install ncurses-devel


$ cryptocharts -help

  -chart-height uint
        Line chart height: .ie. 15 | 20 | 25 | 30 (default 20)
  -coin string
        Cryptocurrency name. ie. bitcoin | ethereum | litecoin | etc... (default "bitcoin")
  -color string
        Primary color. ie. green | cyan | magenta | red | yellow | white (default "green")
  -date string
        Chart date range. ie. 1h | 1d | 2d | 7d | 30d | 2w | 1m | 3m | 1y (default "7d")
        Show global market data.
  -refresh uint
        How often to refetch data in seconds: .ie. 30, 60 (default 60)
  -limit uint
        Limit number of cryptocurrencies to return for table. ie. 10 | 25 | 50 | 100 (default 50)
        Show the top 50 cryptocurrencies in a table.



Here's an example of getting latest Ethereum stats, and chart data for the last 30 days:

$ cryptocharts -coin ethereum -date 30d

Here's an example of how you can set the primary color for the dashboard:

$ cryptocharts -coin bitcoin -date 1d -color white

Here's an example of displaying global market data only:

$ cryptocharts -global


Here's an example of displaying the top 100 cryptocurrencies stats in a table:

$ cryptocharts -table -limit 100 -color green

Table commands

List of shortcuts:

Key Action
<up> navigate up
<down> navigate down
<ctrl-u> page up
<ctrl-d> page down
<enter> visit highlighted coin on CoinMarketCap
<space> alias to <enter>
h toggle [h]elp
j alias to <down>
k alias to <up>
r sort by [r]ank
n sort by [n]ame
s sort by [s]ymbol
p sort by [p]rice
m sort by [m]arket cap
v sort by 24 hour [v]olume
1 sort by [1] hour change
2 sort by [2]4 hour change
7 sort by [7] day change
t sort by [t]otal supply
a sort by [a]vailable supply
l sort by [l]ast updated
q [q]uit
<esc> alias to quit
<ctrl-c> alias to quit
? alias to help

Help screen


  • Q: Where is the data from?

  • Q: What coins does this support?

  • Q: How often is the data polled?

    • A: Data gets polled once every minute by default.
  • Q: How can I get multiple dashboards at once?

    • A: Use a window multiplexer, such as tmux or screen.
  • Q: I get install errors regarding ncurses.

    • A: Make sure to have installed the required libraries, discussed in the Install section.
  • Q: I installed cryptocharts without errors but the command is not found.

    • A: Make sure your GOPATH and PATH is set correctly.
      export GOPATH=$HOME/go
      export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
