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Fork of jQuery Event Calendar from Google Code

jQuery Event Calendar

Minor bug fixes and enhancements to the excellent jQuery Event Calendar Plugin currently hosted at Google Code.

Thanks to jaime8111 for an awesome plugin.


  • Quite a few bugs have been fixed (and a lot more introduced)
  • Added support for multi-day events
  • Added support for recurring events (wip)
  • Added support to limit events to a date range
  • Added date parsing support for titles (etc)
  • Added internationalisation support
  • Added unit test support (still very much a work in progress)


Calendar Parameters

Parameter Default Description
eventsJson js/events.json
jsonDateFormat "timestamp" Either 'timestamp' or a date parser formatted string
jsonData "" Used to load and inline json (not ajax calls)
cacheJson true If true then the JSON data will only be retrieved on the initial load and cached. If false the JSON data will be fetched on each date change
sortAscending true true to sort ascending and false to sort descending
eventsLimit 4 Limits the number of events displayed in the calendar
dayNameFormat "ddd" Date parser enabled format for the name of the day in the header row
textCalendarTitle "MMMM yyyy" Date parser enabled format for the calendar title
textEventHeaderDayView "MMMM ddS even\\t\\s:" Date parser enabled format for the event list header (day mode)
textEventHeaderMonthView "MMMM even\\t\\s:" Date parser enabled format for the event list header (month mode)
textNoEvents "There are no events in this period" Message to display when there are no events for the current period
textNext "next"
textPrevious "prev"
textNextEvents "Next events:"
textGoToEventUrl "See the event"
highlightEventDays true Highlights days in calendar that have events running
highlightListingDays false Highlights days in calendar that have events listed
showDayAsWeeks true
startWeekOnMonday true Determines if the calendar week starts on Sunday or Monday
showDayNameInCalendar true
showDescription false Allows event descriptions to be shown
collapsible false true if descriptions are collapsed, and opened when clicked
onlyOneDescription true true if only one description is to be displayed at any one time
groupEvents false Show only a single event in the event list for recurring events
openEventInNewWindow false true if event URL's are to open in a new window
eventsScrollable false true for fixed height with scrollbar, false for dynamically changing height
initialEventList false false for upcoming, 'day' for today, or 'month' for this month.
currentDate new Date() Initial date for calender (this is mainly used for testing)
startDate new Date(1900, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) Date of earliest event to show on the calendar
endDate new Date(2999, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) Date of latest event to show on the calendar
allowPartialEvents false If a multi-day event falls across the start or end date, we either show a partial event (true) or the entire event (false)
moveSpeed 500 Speed of month move when you click on a new date
moveOpacity 0.15 Month and events fadeOut to this opacity


  • Date parser format strings can be found at https://code.google.com/p/datejs/wiki/FormatSpecifiers