
Results 121 comments of mig5

One clue might be that the file https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/blob/master/config/chroot_local-includes/etc/onion-grater.d/onionshare.yml suggests it assumes OnionShare is located at `/usr/bin/onionshare` and `/usr/bin/onionshare-gui` - at least in terms of the `apparmor-profile` statement. I don't know...

GUI Tests passed at https://app.circleci.com/pipelines/github/mig5/onionshare/184/workflows/333f9380-4a4d-48b4-88c3-ef50c4e9bee1/jobs/462/parallel-runs/0/steps/0-103

Weird, that was precisely the behaviour that this PR *fixed* for me. I will test it again as soon as I get a chance..

@micahflee did you definitely rebuild your CLI etc to contain the changes from this branch? As it works ok for me: I get the 'You may now close this window'...

@micahflee I've fixed the conflict and added something that changes the server button's wording when an autostop timer has run out but a transfer is still in progress - so...

OK, but just to be clear, I didn't learn about the logging categories from that document - I linked to it only incidentally. I originally learned about the logging categories...

@oliverbienert thank you so much, this has been driving me crazy on Ubuntu 18.04, your solution works perfectly. It seems that *globally* updating pip on the OS is not enough,...

Take a look at https://github.com/jumbojett/OpenID-Connect-PHP/pull/302 which solves back-channel logout requirements for me.

In the past couple of weeks I have begun experiencing complete freezes (can't even move the mouse) in Qubes 4.1. However, I'm not using an AMD. I'm on Intel. I...