lossless-cut copied to clipboard
Add commands and entry to losslesscut version ffmpeg
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If the ffmpeg command is generated using Last ffmpeg commands on the command line Using the ffmpeg command line installed by yourself on your computer, errors will be reported, including but not limited to Invalid duration for option ss: '474.95000' Error opening input files: Invalid argument The problem centers on timestamps, and native ffmpeg doesn't seem to support timestamps like 474.95000, 0:07:54.950 I have tried to use the losslesscut CLI command-line tool, but repeated attempts have not been successful and I have not found a way to use ffmpeg with losslesscut The successful workaround was to change my output to a timestamp in cvs format, but that required one more step The solution I'm thinking of right now is to enter the ffmpeg execution of losslesscut, but I can't, and want to add the ffmpeg method into losslesscut I'd appreciate it if it worked out
The ffmpeg command I exported is as follows: ffmpeg-hide_banner -ss '474.95000' -i'm :\Desktop\GBC\01.mkv' -t '3.07000' -avoid_negative_ts make_zero-map '0:0' '-c:0' copy -map '0:1' '-c:1' copy -map '0:2' '-c:2' copy -map '0:3' '-c:3' copy -map '0:4' '-c:4' copy -map '0:5' '-c:5' copy -map '0:6' '-c:6' copy -map '0:7' '-c:7' copy -map '0:8' '-c:8' copy -map '0:9' '-c:9' copy -map '0:10' '-c:10' copy -map '0:11' '-c:11' copy -map_metadata 0 -movflags use_metadata_tags -movflags '+faststart' -default_mode infer_no_subs-ignore_unknown -f matroska-y 'E:\Desktop\GBC\output\01-'