editly copied to clipboard
rotation can be not only in the first element of side_data_list
I've found that rotation on vertical HDR videos from my phone defined incorrectly. All videos without HDR don't have this issue.
My setup:
- dockerized editly from sources
- ffmpeg 6.0
- node v18.16.1
ffprobe shows that HDR videos have several elements in side_data_list
"side_data_type":"DOVI configuration record",
"side_data_type":"Display Matrix",
"displaymatrix":"\n00000000: 0 65536 0\n00000001: -65536 0 0\n00000002: 70778880 0 1073741824\n",
So I replaced this with foreach cycle.
PS. But I still don't understand why parseInt(stream.tags && stream.tags.rotate, 10) always return NaN, when data is present in ffprobe json.