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Python library for interacting with the Wunderlist 2 REST API


Wunderpy2 is a thin Python library for accessing the official Wunderlist 2 API <https://developer.wunderlist.com/documentation>_. What does a thin library mean here?

  1. Only the bare minimum of error-checking to pass the Wunderlist API specifications <https://developer.wunderlist.com/documentation>_ is performed (e.g. there's no checking whether a task's title is empty, even though the Wunderlist web client enforces nonempty titles).
  2. There aren't any 'convenience' functions, like getting a list by name instead of ID (that being said, I'll likely get tired of repeating the same things myself, write a few, and bundle them in a separate helper module).



pip install wunderpy2

Usage & Examples

Getting a client

Wunderlist uses OAuth2 to allow applications to access users' data, so you'll need to create an application <https://developer.wunderlist.com/apps>_ before doing anything. If you only want to access your own Wunderlist, generate an access token after creating your application and use it and the client ID as follows::

import wunderpy2
api = wunderpy2.WunderApi()
client = api.get_client(access_token, client_id)    # Fill in your values

If you want other Wunderlisters to use your application, you'll need to see the "Redirect users to request Wunderlist access" section of the authorization docs <https://developer.wunderlist.com/documentation/concepts/authorization>_ in order to get a temporary code when a user has authorized your app. Once you have the code, you only need one more step::

api = wunderpy2.WunderApi()
access_token = api.get_access_token(temporary_code, client_id, client_secret)   # Fill in your values here
client = api.get_client(access_token, client_id)    # Fill in your client ID

Wunderlist Objects

All Wunderlist objects are merely Python objects with special keys. For convenience, these keys are laid out in a class format in :code:model.py. Note that not every object will have every key (e.g. List objects with type 'inbox' do not have creation metadata).


Creating a task with a due date, note, 'starred' flag, and subtask::

lists = client.get_lists()
list = lists[0]
task = client.create_task(1234, "My new task", due_date="2015-08-02", starred=True)
client.create_note(task[wunderpy2.Task.ID], "My note")   
client.create_subtask(task[wunderpy2.Task.ID], "My subtask")

Shuffling the order of tasks within a list (see the Positions endpoint documentation <https://developer.wunderlist.com/documentation/endpoints/positions>_)::

import random
task_positions_obj = client.get_task_positions_obj(list[wunderpy2.List.ID])
ordering = task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.Task.VALUES]
client.update_task_positions_obj(task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.TaskPositionsObj.ID], task_positions_obj[wunderpy2.TaskPositionsObj.REVISION], ordering)


  • Endpoint implementation:
    • Avatar
    • File
    • File preview
    • Folder
    • Reminder
    • Task comment
    • Upload
    • User
    • Webhooks?