Midhun Chandran
Midhun Chandran
@TheRealNate Is there any way to solve this issue?
Hi @TheRealNate , - Method call is triggered by a button press. - When resuming application from minimized state 1. 'Meteor.getData().ddp.socket.addListener("close", () => console.log("close"))' is triggered first. 2. After a...
Hi @TheRealNate I tried running the Meteor call after "open" is called, Meteor call worked successfully.
@TheRealNate Sorry for the delayed reply, - When I made a normal method call, > **Meteor.getData().ddp.socket.addListener("open", () => { isOpen = true; onOpen.forEach(f => f()); })** executed > Then 'whenConnected'...
> Hey @midhunevolvier, so you're saying the close event is firing a short time after the app resumes, but not immediately; which is causing your call which executes immediately to...
@TheRealNate Is there any solution? We are stuck.
@TheRealNate Ok. But how can I understand whether the Meteor is connected or not? Then only I can wait before sending the call. When I resume from background meteor connection...
@TheRealNate I have checked the status after resuming the application and attaching the screenshots for your reference. I can't find any difference in the result of application on 'NORMAL' and...
@TheRealNate I have checked 'Meteor.getData().ddp.socket.rawSocket', I can't find any differences.I think the same issue will be there even if we keep the application idle for some time without minimizing it....
@TheRealNate Is there any solution? We are stuck.