wallacepos copied to clipboard
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation
To acces admin account display this message:
SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1055 Expression #2 of SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column 'wallacepos.i.name' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by
It allows changes to the settings but does not add Locations & Devices.
Run new version wallacepos in: Lubuntu 16.04 LTS Kernel Linux 4.4.0-21-generic (i686) Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) MySQL 5.7.12-0ubuntu1 PHP: 7.0.4-7ubuntu2
Excuse me work that I am generating ;-) Thanks.
If you’ve recently upgraded your MySQL server version to MySQL 5.7.5+ and you notice that some of your queries that contain GROUP BY clause, suddenly stop working, then it could be because of a change that was made in MySQL 5.7.5+. FAQ sql modes
Remove mode "only_full_group_by" from sql_mode. To acces admin account display this message: stime must be numeric etime must be numeric
It allows changes to the settings but does not add Locations & Devices.
I go good path??? Thanks...
modifycate and new message of error, modifycate and new message of error I think we will have to revert to earlier versions of SQL. I return to ubuntu 14.04 LTS
thanks for indicating, I may try out on xampp with mysql 5.7.7 onwards to see the effect...
Wallacepos working without problems in Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu 15.10. Early to Ubuntu 16.04
Bufff ais-one!!! Dependencias, clausulas, columnas, violaciones... I lost. Thanks.
I'll likely be moving infrastructure to 16.04 in the near future and will look at the issue.
Can confirm that changes in mysql 5.7 caused this issue.
I can download 16.04 on virtual box and try it out later.
Yes, it seems that update to MySQL 5.7 cause this problem. Other applications also have problems after update to SQL 5.7. ChromisPos for example. Wallacepos working without problems in Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS and Ubuntu 15.10.
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Apache 2.4.7 MYSQL 5.5.49 PHP 5.5.9
Ubuntu 15.10 Apache 2.4.12 MYSQL 5.6.30 PHP 5.6.11
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Apache 2.4.18 MySQL 5.7.12 PHP: 7.0.4
eae6ec4 should fix this issue, although I have not yet tested on mysql 5.7
I hope Orange pi II Plus to install ubuntu 16 LTS. We will test with modifications.
Thank you.
Hi. It is not stable ubuntu 16 in orange pi + 2. A try debian 8.5
As a temp fix you can remove mysql_full_group_by from sql mode:
I'm also getting the same error after successfully updating to version 1.4.1.
Yes you still need to disable only_full_group_by in mysql.
$ sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf Copiar y pegar:
$ sudo service mysql restart
Aún así saldrán nuevos problemas. Así que lo conveniente es instalar una versión más antigua de Ubuntu y mysql.