msgraph-sdk-powershell icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
msgraph-sdk-powershell copied to clipboard

Connect-Graph : Method not found: Void Azure.Core.TokenRequestContext..ctor

Open sitecorepm opened this issue 9 months ago • 5 comments

Describe the bug

I am trying to connect to the Graph API with Connect-Graph command using the client secret credentials flow.


This worked fine as I was developing it earlier this week on v2.18.0. I then configured the scripts on our Jenkins server where our admins installed Microsoft.Graph v2.19.0. No prior version of Microsoft.Graph had ever been installed on that server. The error occurred on the server first. So then I attempted to replicate the issue and installed v2.19.0 on my machine and successfully replicated it. However, the error does not go away when I revert to v2.18.0.

I figured there was a version conflict going on so I've tried many times, using many methods to uninstall all versions of the Microsoft.Graph* modules, then re-install v2.18.0 but so far no change. I always get that same error now.

I assume this is probably an issue with my environment somehow and most likely not a bug but I figured I would share here in case anyone else has encountered this with v2.19.0 or has any suggestions as to what might fix this.

Expected behavior

Connect to the Graph API and get the normal welcome message

How to reproduce

Since I can't get to the prior working state, I don't have a list of steps to reproduce as noted in my description above.

SDK Version


Latest version known to work for scenario above?


Known Workarounds

None at this point

Debug output

Adding -Debug did not result in any extra useful output unless there is a log file somewhere that I'm not aware of.


My machine: Windows 10

PS C:\Develop\SharepointDataExchange> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.19041.4291
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.19041.4291
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

Other information

No response

sitecorepm avatar May 10 '24 19:05 sitecorepm

I'm having the same issue and it appears to only happen when the Az module is installed.

mfusaro avatar May 10 '24 20:05 mfusaro

Hm. I do not have the Az module installed.

sitecorepm avatar May 10 '24 20:05 sitecorepm

I've done a bit more digging and found that the Azure.Core assembly that gets loaded into my PowerShell session is the wrong version. I ran this script to identify where all the loaded assemblies originate from (credit this post):

[System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object Location | Sort-Object -Property FullName | Select-Object -Property FullName, Location, GlobalAssemblyCache, IsFullyTrusted | Out-GridView

This yielded: image

As you can see, the Azure.Core assembly is actually loaded from the SqlServer module and is version 1.25 instead of 1.38 (the version that comes with the Microsoft.Graph.Authentication module).

Next step is to figure out how to remedy this...

sitecorepm avatar May 10 '24 21:05 sitecorepm

The simple solution was to import the Microsoft.Graph.Sites module before the SqlServer module. This causes the correct version of Azure.Core to load first.


This exhaustive post on Resolving PowerShell Module dependency conflicts was helpful.

sitecorepm avatar May 10 '24 22:05 sitecorepm

Thanks for confirming!

We were able to remediate a similar issue in Az #2703

We can close this issue here given there is nothing we could do differently in SDK, OK?

petrhollayms avatar May 21 '24 19:05 petrhollayms

I just hit this bug today with whatever version is in PSGallery right now, on Powershell 5.1.

Pxtl avatar Aug 07 '24 20:08 Pxtl

We've had issues with this ever since MS.Graph v2.9.0, and every once in a while we check to see if it still persists, but so far it hasn't been fixed.

ColomJa avatar Sep 05 '24 12:09 ColomJa

This issue still exists in version 2.23.0. Can you please reopen this issue @petrhollayms, @timayabi2020?

7meis avatar Sep 13 '24 14:09 7meis