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Batch response: Improved error handling when "UserCollectionResponse" is returned but discrimiator is set to "User"

Open andnorxor opened this issue 10 months ago • 2 comments

Graph Core Version: 3.1.9 Kiota Version: 1.1.7 Affected Method:

Edit: Added a comment explaining the reason of this behavior and changed the issue title.

Microsoft Graph core returns an object with all properties set to null, if the response body contains a nested structure.

Expected behavior should parse nested response objects. And maybe throw an error if a response can not be parsed.

Actual behavior returns a object with all properties set to null.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Execute the following request using the Graph API: POST$batch

Body is GET users?$filter=identities/any(c:c/issuerAssignedId eq '<the issuer Assigned id>' and c/issuer eq '')&$select=id,displayName,email,UserPrincipalName,identities,accountEnabled

    "requests": [
            "id": "d26195f1-aa54-461f-9119-aa98687ea27e",
            "url": "/users?%24filter=identities%2Fany% ... ",
            "method": "GET",
            "headers": {
                "accept": "application/json"

Response: shortended just to show the structure. Note the nested structure in the body which causes the erroneous behavior.

    "responses": [ 
            "id": "766378b9-df71-473d-909a-da07fa9f10c5",
            "status": 200,
            "headers": {...},
            "body": {
                "@odata.context": "$metadata#users(id,displayName,email,userPrincipalName,identities,accountEnabled)",
                "value": [
                        "id": "<some Id>",
                        "displayName": "John Doe",
                        "userPrincipalName": "cpim_something",
                        "accountEnabled": false,
                        "identities": [...]

The image shows the structure of parseNode in for a Request that CAN NOT be parsed: image

The image shows the structure of parseNode in for a request that CAN be parsed: image


I verified this by unnesting the structure and re-parsing the response:

ByteArrayInputStream unnestedResponse =  new ByteArrayInputStream(((java.util.ArrayList)((JsonArray)(([1]).getValue()).elements).get(0).toString().getBytes());

String contentType = body.contentType().type() + "/" + body.contentType().subtype();

    .getParseNode(contentType, unnestedResponse)

An intermediate fix (not yet tested) could be to provide your own implementation of ResponseBodyHandler when invoking,

andnorxor avatar Apr 25 '24 23:04 andnorxor