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SDK issue getting/updating values of named ranges

Open gotmike opened this issue 9 months ago • 6 comments

Describe the bug

i am trying to update the value of named ranges in excel using the microsoft graph api, but i don't seem to be able to pass the value the same way i can with the microsoft graph explorer.

to debug, i started with simply GETting the data that's in the cell. this url will work through the graph explorer... and it returns a response like this...

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#microsoft.graph.workbookRange",
    "": "/users('USER_ID')/drive/items('ITEM_ID')/workbook/names(%27TESTNAMEDRANGE%27)/range()",
    "": "Use $select to choose only the properties your app needs, as this can lead to performance improvements. For example: GET me/drive/items('<key>')/workbook/names('<key>')/microsoft.graph.range?$select=address,addressLocal",
    "address": "Sheet1!C3",
    "addressLocal": "Sheet1!C3",
    "columnCount": 1,
    "cellCount": 1,
    "columnHidden": false,
    "rowHidden": false,
    "numberFormat": [
    "columnIndex": 2,
    "text": [
    "formulas": [
    "formulasLocal": [
    "formulasR1C1": [
    "hidden": false,
    "rowCount": 1,
    "rowIndex": 2,
    "valueTypes": [
    "values": [

so then i tried to update using the same method, again through the graph explorer. using this url... and i use this json body...

"values" : [["HELLO"]],
"formulas" : [[null]],
"numberFormat" : [[null]]

this also works, with the following response...

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#microsoft.graph.workbookRange",
    "": "/users('USER_ID')/drive/items('ITEM_ID')/workbook/names(%27TESTNAMEDRANGE%27)/range()",
    "address": "Sheet1!C3",
    "addressLocal": "Sheet1!C3",
    "columnCount": 1,
    "cellCount": 1,
    "columnHidden": false,
    "rowHidden": false,
    "numberFormat": [
    "columnIndex": 2,
    "text": [
    "formulas": [
    "formulasLocal": [
    "formulasR1C1": [
    "hidden": false,
    "rowCount": 1,
    "rowIndex": 2,
    "valueTypes": [
    "values": [

so i concluded that the API does "work" using this method.

now i try in code, using the c# SDK. in the version 4.x SDK, this would work...

        public static async Task<WorkbookRange> UpdateRange(string itemId,
                                                            string sheetName,
                                                            string rangeName,
                                                            object rangeValue,
                                                            string sessionId)
                var rangeUpdate = new WorkbookRange
                    Values = JsonDocument.Parse(rangeValue.Serialize())

                var result = await _graphUser.Drive.Items[itemId].Workbook.Worksheets[sheetName]
                    .Header("workbook-session-id", sessionId)

                return result;

now i'm trying to update to v5.x and having trouble. even GETting the value of a named range isn't working for me.

i've got code that looks like this...

                var drive = await _graphClient.Users[EnvConfig.AzureGraphUserId].Drive.GetAsync();
                var range = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook
                var ranges = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook.Names[rangeName].GetAsync();
                ranges.Value = Common.convertToJson(rangeName, rangeValue);
                var result = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook.Names[rangeName].PatchAsync(ranges);

when this runs, the GetAsync() calls return data, pointing to the correct sheet/cell and such, but they do NOT include values.

the PatchAsync() call also completes correctly and returns data, but does not update the value nor does it return a value.

Expected behavior

i would expect it to both return and update the value that is in the cell.

How to reproduce

this full code snippet should work... of course you need to have a session and ids that exist in a test environment.

        public static async Task<WorkbookNamedItem> UpdateRange(string itemId,
                                                            string sheetName,
                                                            string rangeName,
                                                            object rangeValue,
                                                            string sessionId)
                var drive = await _graphClient.Users[EnvConfig.AzureGraphUserId].Drive.GetAsync();
                var range = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook
                var ranges = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook.Names[rangeName].GetAsync();
                ranges.Value = Common.convertToJson(rangeName, rangeValue);
                var result = await _graphClient.Drives[drive.Id].Items[itemId].Workbook.Names[rangeName].PatchAsync(ranges);

                return new WorkbookRange();

SDK Version


Latest version known to work for scenario above?


Known Workarounds

i don't have a workaround, although it does seem to work via the graph explorer

Debug output

Click to expand log ```

### Configuration

_No response_

### Other information

_No response_

gotmike avatar May 17 '24 19:05 gotmike