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Open Bash in Cloud Shell Hangs
VS Code Version 1.30.2 Azure Account Extension Version: 0.8.0
The "Azure: Open Bash in Cloud Shell" command is hanging. All I see in the terminal is "Requesting a Cloud Shell...".
Note that I am able to log into shell.azure.com, which I set up previously via a web browser.
Steps to Repro:
- Launch vscode
- Open command palette with Ctrl-Shift-P
- Select "Azure: Sign In"
- Redirected to AAD "Sign in to your account" AAD page
- Pick my credentials
- Redirected to Visual Studio Code Page that states "You are signed in now and can close this page"
- Change focus back to vscode
- Open command palette with Ctrl-Shift-P
- Select "Azure: Open Bash in Cloud Shell"
- New "2: Bash in Cloud Shell" terminal is opened with message "Requesting a Cloud Shell..."
At this point nothing happens.
One other thing to note, when I sign into shell.azure.com on a browser, I have to pick from multiple identities. There is my work identity , then two other identities associated with AAD tenants that my work identity has been B2B guested into. I pick the work identity associated with my companies AAD tenant when I sign in.
@doherty100 Could you check if there are any errors in the console (Help > Toggle Developer Tools)?
@chrmarti negative, just hangs at "Requesting a Cloud Shell....". Nothing new shows up in Developer Tools console.
@doherty100 Are you behind a network proxy? Does the PowerShell in Cloud Shell
@chrmarti I am not behind a network proxy, and PowerShell in Cloud Shell
does work.
@doherty100 Does bash
work on https://shell.azure.com/?
@chrmarti yes it does.
Mine is broken too. It says 'Select directory...' in the terminal even though I already selected it up top. It never progresses beyond that. I uninstalled VS Code and deleted the .vscode folder to kill all extensions. I updated to the latest version of Node. Reinstalled everything and I still have the same problem.
Update: I also performed and 'clouddrive unmount' to start from a fresh cloud drive. This didn't help.
@jluk Do you know if anything has changed on the CloudShell's side that would explain that for @doherty100 bash
no longer works while PowerShell
still does in VS Code?
@scottstout Could you open a new issue for that? Seems like it is a different problem.
@chrmarti correction Open Bash in Cloud Shell
never worked, and Open PowerShell in Cloud Shell
does work.
@chrmarti it eventually started working (initially only with one Directory (not Microsoft btw)). Eventually it started working with all. Maybe it was just taking a really long time and I wasn’t patient enough. If it is a problem it will show up again.
@chrmarti it just started working for me now, I didn't change a thing so I'm assuming some kind of backend change.
Closing, since it's working again. Thanks.
I have the same issue. My Microsoft account is linked to several tenants. After I run "Azure: Open Bash in Cloud Shell" I'm presented text Select directory… on terminal with list of tenants on top and after selecting it just hangs with text Select directory… remaining on Terminal. PowerShell works fine. My VSCode is 1.32.3 and Azure Account extension 0.8.0
Looks like a Cloud Shell issue. Reopening as "upstream" to track here. /cc @jluk
@maertendMSFT to take this as I no longer own the service
I'm having the same issue. I did Azure Sign In. Then Azure : Open Bash in Cloud Shell. It prompts for Directory. When I select the 1 desired, nothing happen. Ref below:-
Please help.
I have the same issue. It helps to start Azure Bash very quick after opening VSC. It seems to be a problem with other modules. Before there are completly loaded, for me it is possible to get a working bash terminal. So be quick ;-)
Incredible but @yavastark advice works perfect! 😅
It's not working for me. It seems It's get stuck on "Select Directory" my setup is WSL2 with Azure Account + Azure Terraform
OS: openSUSE Leap 15.2 vscode: 1.48.2 Azure Account extension: v0.9.2 Not working for me too. Get stuck on "Select Directory" But there is nothing to select.
I try to input something but bad luck
https://shell.azure.com work
Try setting the "azure.tenant"
setting and open a new issue if that doesn't work. Thanks.
Cloud you give example -- setting azure.tenant with directory?
I try Azure Account extension in Mac It doesn't work and show empty option too
The Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com) shows you all directories (= tenants) when you click on your account in the top right, then click Switch directory
and then All Directories
. You can use the GUID or name of the directory/tenant (could be something like yourcompany.onmicrosoft.com
) for the setting.
Hi @chrmarti Thanks for the quick reply Still Bad luck after setting mycompany.onmicrosoft.com in Azure: Tenant
@sakanamax Please open a new issue for us to investigate. Thanks!
@chrmarti thanks, already open https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-azure-account/issues/220
In my case issue resolved by reverting Azure Account extension version to 0.8.11. Look like some issue with Azure Account extension version 0.9.0 and above
@pradeepmore12 , me too I had to revert to an old version to make it work :(