vcpkg copied to clipboard
Versioning fails to checkout ports on shallow vcpkg clones (GitHub Actions default)
Describe the bug Certain ports fail to git checkout when the project is built in Github Actions.
Ports known to fail are spdlog and angelscript.
- OS: Github Actions windows-latest, ubuntu-latest
- Compiler: Visual Studio 2022 & G++11
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: Repository containing minimal reproduction:
When this repository's workflow runs it will fail to checkout spdlog.
Expected behavior All dependencies are correctly checked out by Git during the vcpkg install step.
Failure logs See the Github Actions workflow run for the logs:
Additional context The original project where this problem manifested had the ports as submodules, but since the problem also occurs in an independent repository with no previous Git history i doubt this has anything to do with the problem.
Thanks for posting this issue. Could you please provide the error log: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\build\vcpkg-manifest-install.log? I can install spdlog
succeed locally by vcpkg.json which belong to your repro project. We cann'y get detail reason by the following error message.
Error: while checking out port spdlog with git tree 1ac7[9]([11](
Error: Failed to tar port directory
error: tar failed with exit code: (128).
fatal: not a tree object: 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
My install log:
E:\test25349\build>cmake -G "Ninja" "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=E:/Lily/0608/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" ..
-- Running vcpkg install
Detecting compiler hash for triplet "x64-windows"...
The following packages will be built and installed:
* fmt[core]:x64-windows -> 8.1.1#1 -- E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\fmt\602d9743b7957c9e82a06d0e81d58637c6df5222
spdlog[core]:x64-windows -> 1.10.0#1 -- E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572
* vcpkg-cmake[core]:x64-windows -> 2022-05-10#1 -- E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\vcpkg-cmake\8b07d914c90cf8f611973318c85d3af13201e3f9
* vcpkg-cmake-config[core]:x64-windows -> 2022-02-06#1 -- E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\vcpkg-cmake-config\8d54cc4f487d51b655abec5f9c9c3f86ca83311f
Additional packages (*) will be modified to complete this operation.
Restored 1 packages from C:\Users\v-lilywang\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives in 165.7 ms. Use --debug to see more details.
Installing 1/4 vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-windows...
Elapsed time to handle vcpkg-cmake-config:x64-windows: 8.105 ms
Installing 2/4 vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows...
Building vcpkg-cmake[core]:x64-windows...
-- Installing port from location: E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\vcpkg-cmake\8b07d914c90cf8f611973318c85d3af13201e3f9
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/vcpkg-cmake_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_configure.cmake
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/vcpkg-cmake_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_build.cmake
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/vcpkg-cmake_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_install.cmake
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/vcpkg-cmake_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg-port-config.cmake
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/vcpkg-cmake_x64-windows/share/vcpkg-cmake/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Stored binary cache: C:\Users\v-lilywang\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives\c5\
Elapsed time to handle vcpkg-cmake:x64-windows: 240.6 ms
Installing 3/4 fmt:x64-windows...
Building fmt[core]:x64-windows...
-- Installing port from location: E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\fmt\602d9743b7957c9e82a06d0e81d58637c6df5222
-- Using cached fmtlib-fmt-8.1.1.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at E:/Lily/0608/buildtrees/fmt/src/8.1.1-11f8359597.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source E:/Lily/0608/downloads/fmtlib-fmt-8.1.1.tar.gz
-- Applying patch fix-write-batch.patch
-- Applying patch fix-invalid-command.patch
-- Using source at E:/Lily/0608/buildtrees/fmt/src/8.1.1-11f8359597.clean
-- Found external ninja('1.10.2').
-- Configuring x64-windows
-- Building x64-windows-dbg
-- Building x64-windows-rel
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/fmt_x64-windows/share/fmt/copyright
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: E:/Lily/0608/packages/fmt_x64-windows/lib/pkgconfig/fmt.pc
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-3-any.pkg.tar.zst.
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-libwinpthread-git-
-- Using msys root at E:/Lily/0608/downloads/tools/msys2/9a1ec3f33446b195
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: E:/Lily/0608/packages/fmt_x64-windows/debug/lib/pkgconfig/fmt.pc
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/fmt_x64-windows/share/fmt/usage
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Stored binary cache: C:\Users\v-lilywang\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives\ac\
Elapsed time to handle fmt:x64-windows: 14.13 s
Installing 4/4 spdlog:x64-windows...
Building spdlog[core]:x64-windows...
-- Installing port from location: E:\Lily\0608\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572
-- Using cached gabime-spdlog-v1.10.0.tar.gz.
-- Cleaning sources at E:/Lily/0608/buildtrees/spdlog/src/v1.10.0-3cbe543323.clean. Use --editable to skip cleaning for the packages you specify.
-- Extracting source E:/Lily/0608/downloads/gabime-spdlog-v1.10.0.tar.gz
-- Using source at E:/Lily/0608/buildtrees/spdlog/src/v1.10.0-3cbe543323.clean
-- Found external ninja('1.10.2').
-- Configuring x64-windows
-- Building x64-windows-dbg
-- Building x64-windows-rel
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: E:/Lily/0608/packages/spdlog_x64-windows/lib/pkgconfig/spdlog.pc
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-pkg-config-0.29.2-3-any.pkg.tar.zst.
-- Using cached msys-mingw-w64-i686-libwinpthread-git-
-- Using msys root at E:/Lily/0608/downloads/tools/msys2/9a1ec3f33446b195
-- Fixing pkgconfig file: E:/Lily/0608/packages/spdlog_x64-windows/debug/lib/pkgconfig/spdlog.pc
-- Installing: E:/Lily/0608/packages/spdlog_x64-windows/share/spdlog/copyright
-- Performing post-build validation
-- Performing post-build validation done
Stored binary cache: C:\Users\v-lilywang\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives\34\
Elapsed time to handle spdlog:x64-windows: 14.47 s
Total elapsed time: 38.81 s
spdlog provides CMake targets:
# this is heuristically generated, and may not be correct
find_package(spdlog CONFIG REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE spdlog::spdlog spdlog::spdlog_header_only)
-- Running vcpkg install - done
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "E:/test25349/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
I've added some logic to print the log file:
But all it seems to contain is this:
Error: while checking out port spdlog with git tree 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
Error: Failed to tar port directory
error: tar failed with exit code: (128).
fatal: not a tree object: 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
I can install spdlog properly when running vcpkg locally, it's just Github Actions that's failing.
Without this log, we can't get more information about Github Actions failure.😟
As far as i can tell that's all that's actually in the log file. I tried to print the contents in three different ways (tried on Windows and Linux) and that's all that was printed.
The error appears to come from Git, the vcpkg code to issue the command is here:
But Git isn't providing enough information about why it's failing.
I enabled vcpkg debug logging like so:
Before the CMake project
Here are the logs with the debug info added:
Windows log
Run echo "[DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env
[DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env
[DEBUG] Failed to open: C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\vcpkg\config
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'manifests' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'versions' unset
[DEBUG] Failed to open: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\vcpkg-bundle.json
[DEBUG] Using scripts-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\scripts
[DEBUG] Bundle config: readonly=0, usegitregistry=0, embeddedsha=nullopt
[DEBUG] Using builtin-ports: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\ports
[DEBUG] Using installed-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\build\vcpkg_installed
[DEBUG] Using buildtrees-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees
[DEBUG] Using packages-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\packages
[DEBUG] Using manifest-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug
[DEBUG] Using vcpkg-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg
[DEBUG] Using scripts-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\scripts
[DEBUG] Using builtin-registry: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\versions
[DEBUG] Using downloads-root: D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\downloads
[DEBUG] Default binary cache path is: C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Local\vcpkg\archives
[DEBUG] Found path: C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(
Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe --version)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 70709 us
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -DVCPKG_ROOT_DIR=D:/a/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg -DPACKAGES_DIR=D:/a/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/packages -DBUILDTREES_DIR=D:/a/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees -D_VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR=D:/a/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/build/vcpkg_installed -DDOWNLOADS=D:/a/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/downloads -DVCPKG_MANIFEST_INSTALL=OFF -P D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees\0.vcpkg_dep_info.cmake)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 25322 us
[DEBUG] Found path: C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe
[DEBUG] Found path: C:\Program Files\Git\cmd\git.exe
[DEBUG] Found path: C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin\git.exe
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\Git\bin\git.exe --version)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 28274 us
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\Git\bin\git.exe --git-dir=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git --work-tree=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git -c core.autocrlf=false show 01ff40a106fe2f0549b89f89fb4c7c821bfb3c13:versions/baseline.json)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 36046 us
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\Git\bin\git.exe --git-dir=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git --work-tree=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git -c core.autocrlf=false archive 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a -o D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a.tar)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 128 after 39748 us
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\Git\bin\git.exe --git-dir=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git --work-tree=D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\.git -c core.autocrlf=false archive 3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572 -o D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tar)
[DEBUG] ReadFile() finished with GetLastError(): 109
[DEBUG] 4404: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 31063 us
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E tar xzf D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tar)
[DEBUG] cmd_execute() returned 0 after 229967 us
Error: while checking out port spdlog with git tree 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
Error: Failed to tar port directory
error: tar failed with exit code: (128).
fatal: not a tree object: 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
[DEBUG] D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vcpkg\install.cpp(1122):
[DEBUG] Time in subprocesses: 461129 us
[DEBUG] Time in parsing JSON: 40349 us
[DEBUG] Time in JSON reader: 1933 us
[DEBUG] Time in filesystem: 5066 us
[DEBUG] Time in loading ports: 341 us
[DEBUG] Exiting after 651.1 ms (567192 us)
Linux log
[DEBUG] To include the environment variables in debug output, pass --debug-env
[DEBUG] Failed to open: /home/runner/.vcpkg/config
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'binarycaching' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'manifests' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'compilertracking' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'registries' unset
[DEBUG] Feature flag 'versions' unset
[DEBUG] Failed to open: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/vcpkg-bundle.json
[DEBUG] Using scripts-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/scripts
[DEBUG] Bundle config: readonly=0, usegitregistry=0, embeddedsha=nullopt
[DEBUG] Using builtin-ports: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/ports
[DEBUG] Using installed-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/build/vcpkg_installed
[DEBUG] Using buildtrees-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees
[DEBUG] Using packages-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/packages
[DEBUG] Using manifest-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug
[DEBUG] Using vcpkg-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg
[DEBUG] Using scripts-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/scripts
[DEBUG] Using builtin-registry: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/versions
[DEBUG] Using downloads-root: /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/downloads
[DEBUG] Default binary cache path is: /home/runner/.cache/vcpkg/archives
[DEBUG] Found path: /usr/local/bin/cmake
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/local/bin/cmake --version 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 3463 us
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/local/bin/cmake -DVCPKG_ROOT_DIR=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg -DPACKAGES_DIR=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/packages -DBUILDTREES_DIR=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees -D_VCPKG_INSTALLED_DIR=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/build/vcpkg_installed -DDOWNLOADS=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/downloads -DVCPKG_MANIFEST_INSTALL=OFF -P /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees/0.vcpkg_dep_info.cmake 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 2844 us
[DEBUG] Found path: /usr/bin/git
[DEBUG] Found path: /bin/git
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/bin/git --version 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 1813 us
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git --work-tree=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git -c core.autocrlf=false show 01ff40a106fe2f0549b89f89fb4c7c821bfb3c13:versions/baseline.json 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 4642 us
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git --work-tree=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git -c core.autocrlf=false archive 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a -o /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees/versioning_/versions/spdlog/1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a.tar 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 128 after 2610 us
[DEBUG] 1946: popen(/usr/bin/git --git-dir=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git --work-tree=/home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/.git -c core.autocrlf=false archive 3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572 -o /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees/versioning_/versions/spdlog/3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tar 2>&1)
[DEBUG] 1946: cmd_execute_and_stream_data() returned 0 after 2810 us
[DEBUG] system(cd /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees/versioning_/versions/spdlog/3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tmp && /usr/local/bin/cmake -E tar xzf /home/runner/work/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg-checkout-bug/vcpkg/buildtrees/versioning_/versions/spdlog/3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tar)
[DEBUG] cmd_execute() returned 0 after 84968 us
Error: while checking out port spdlog with git tree 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
Error: Failed to tar port directory
error: tar failed with exit code: (128).
fatal: not a tree object: 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
[DEBUG] /mnt/vss/_work/1/s/src/vcpkg/install.cpp(1122):
[DEBUG] Time in subprocesses: 104005 us
[DEBUG] Time in parsing JSON: 21436 us
[DEBUG] Time in JSON reader: 979 us
[DEBUG] Time in filesystem: 932 us
[DEBUG] Time in loading ports: 88 us
[DEBUG] Exiting after 129.5 ms (128556 us)
Is this the information you need? Or do i need to pass any more command line arguments to enable more debugging options?
I think i found the problem: both spdlog and Angelscript are listed in the dependencies array without a port version:
"$schema": "",
"name": "halflife-unified-sdk",
"version-semver": "0.1.0",
"builtin-baseline": "b49b2bdf22559c89eddbf29a29621a1dc6929320",
"dependencies": [
"name": "spdlog",
"version>=": "1.10.0",
"default-features": false
"name": "nlohmann-json",
"version>=": "3.10.5#3",
"default-features": false
"name": "angelscript",
"version>=": "2.35.1",
"default-features": false,
"features": ["addons"]
"name": "openal-soft",
"version>=": "1.21.1#5",
"default-features": false
The documentation says that the port version is optional, but if i omit it i get the git checkout error.
I assume this means that if the port version is non-zero then it is required to specify it, but omitting it should cause an error to come from vcpkg itself and not Git, correct?
When i add a port version to spdlog in the test repository it works properly.
I initially omitted the port version because both projects are on port version 1 which i mistakenly assumed to mean the first version available in vcpkg (as in every update to the port in vcpkg increments it by one, which is incorrect). There was no error when running vcpkg locally so i didn't know this was incorrect.
It might be a good idea to put a link to the port-version documentation in the manifest documentation for the version field. Clarifying when the port version is needed will help prevent this mistake from being made as well.
Thanks for your reply. According to the following log, if you don't set port-version
in vcpkg.json, it will download both port-version=0
and port-version=1
of spdlog
, and it failed to checkout port-version=0
of spdlog
[DEBUG] CreateProcessW(C:\Program
Files\CMake\bin\cmake.exe -E tar xzf D:\a\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg-checkout-bug\vcpkg\buildtrees\versioning_\versions\spdlog\3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572.tar)
[DEBUG] cmd_execute() returned 0 after 229967 us
Error: while checking out port spdlog with git tree 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
Error: Failed to tar port directory
error: tar failed with exit code: (128).
fatal: not a tree object: 1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a
The versions of spdlog
"versions": [
"git-tree": "3256ea88cc375fda2f977a2eb18435e23d498572",
"version-semver": "1.10.0",
"port-version": 1
"git-tree": "1ac795913d88241171b45d796d3fe5dd38519d5a",
"version-semver": "1.10.0",
"port-version": 0
@ras0219-msft Could you help take a look this issue? This issue looks like a vcpkg bug.
I just found the cause of the problem. In Github Actions, by default, actions/checkout only checks out the last commit. Port version 0 doesn't exist in the latest version of these ports so vcpkg tries to get an older commit. Since the older commits aren't checked out it fails to get that commit.
Modifying the CI configuration to fetch all commits fixes this:
name: CI/CD
on: [push, pull_request]
name: Linux-x86
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Configure
run: cmake -B ${{github.workspace}}/build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${{github.workspace}}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-linux"
continue-on-error: true
- name: Print vcpkg log
run: cat "${{github.workspace}}/build/vcpkg-manifest-install.log"
- name: Build
run: cmake --build ${{github.workspace}}/build
name: Win32
runs-on: windows-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v3
submodules: recursive
fetch-depth: 0
- name: Configure
run: cmake -B ${{github.workspace}}/build -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=${{github.workspace}}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x86-windows" -A Win32
continue-on-error: true
- name: Print vcpkg log
run: type "${{github.workspace}}/build/vcpkg-manifest-install.log"
- name: Build
run: cmake --build ${{github.workspace}}/build
The problem is that this adds a lot of overhead. Checking out all commits is expensive and slow, getting slower for each commit (and this includes vcpkg commits).
Perhaps vcpkg should check if the commit that a port version is associated with is checked out, and report failure if it can't be found?
Here's the Github Actions run for fetch-depth: 0
in case you need it:
Note that i added nlohmann_json
as a dependency to test the difference.
Does this require more information or steps to reproduce locally?
Does this require more information or steps to reproduce locally?
Nothing, thanks for your work, we will dicussion this issue on our meeting in this week.
Port versions don't use commit hashes, we use the git tree hash of the port directory. As far as I know, there is no way to deduce the commit that added a specific tree hash.
Unfortunately, this means there is nothing we can do in the product itself to solve this problem.
Perhaps checking if the vcpkg repository is a shallow repository could help?
The checkout action appears to create a shallow repository if fetch-depth
is > 0 so this should show if the vcpkg repository only had its last commit checked out.
Alternatively this could be used to check if only the last commit was checked out.
If Git fails to return the requested information then the result of these commands could be used to alert the user to the cause.
It wouldn't catch cases where a few commits but not all were checked out, but since this is most likely to occur in a CI build where only one commit is checked out it would cover the most common case.
Yeah, I agree that improving our diagnostics is something we should do. Truly thanks for looking into this issue!
Do you feel like creating a PR to add this validation? If not, I'll look into this during the week.
I'll leave it up to you. I haven't worked with this codebase before.
I've experienced the same problem in Gitlab with Gitlab Runner on a Windows VM.
Due to a bug in Gitlab, the flag GIT_DEPTH=0
did not prevent shallow copies. Adding GIT_DEPTH=0
together with GIT_STRATEGY=clone
functions as a workaround for me.
I see this problem with Boost too. I used overrides in my manifest to drop a load of Boost modules to version to 1.74, works fine locally (because of the complete git history) but fails in a Github Action due to a fetch-depth of 1 (thanks to @SamVanheer for finding that). Changing my yml to get the complete history fixes the problem, but it's inefficient.
I am experiencing the same problem with Azure Devops and still haven't found a method to fix this problem.
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